문화누리카드 발급 방법 Details on where to use the Culture Nuri Card and how to apply

문화누리카드 발급 방법By Kim Yun-seok, reporter
2023.02.17 16:02:33
The Culture Nuri Card is a card issued to improve the quality of life and bridge the cultural gap between social classes for people receiving basic livelihood security and the next upper class.
Recipients of basic livelihood security over the age of 6 and those from the next upper class can apply, and the subsidy amount is 110,000 won per person.
If you are in the same household, you can add up your card limit and use it in various fields such as performances, movies, exhibitions, domestic travel, culture and arts, and sports.
Culture Nuri Card is issued to people aged 6 or older and recipients of basic livelihood security. Card issuance is available from February 3rd to November 30th.
basic livelihood recipient
Recipients of livelihood, medical, housing, education benefits, prosecutors and prosecutors, and security facility recipients
second upper class
Self-sufficiency, disability allowance, disabled child allowance, disability pension, self-burden reduction, single-parent family, issuance of confirmation of next-upper class, education benefit recipients and other household members
You can apply for a Culture Nuri Card by visiting a community center, or you can apply for and receive a Culture Nuri Card online.
If you fill out the card application form, issuance will be completed within 2-3 weeks after the issuance qualification is verified at the community center.
The method of receipt differs slightly depending on the application method. If you apply in person, you can pick it up directly at the community center, or online, you can pick it up by mail or by visiting the Nonghyup branch.
How to apply for community center
The Culture Nuri Card is paid up to 110,000 won per person, and it is possible to use it by charging your own money.
However, if the business end date passes with the remaining amount paid, it will not be carried over to the next year and will be returned to the national treasury, so it must be used up before expiration.
Card payment must be made only at registered online and offline merchants, and cannot be converted into cash at places where card payment is not possible.
There are so many different types of affiliates. However, please note that you can use your card online after accessing the website.
The Culture Nuri Card not only provides support money for cultural life, but also offers benefits such as movie discounts, Korail Culture Nuri Rail Pass, and performance discounts.
The Culture Nuri Card was further increased in September 2022, and now 110,000 won per person per year is paid.
If you still want to enjoy the benefits of your card after you have used up the funds, you can use it as a way to personally add cash to your card.
The limit is limited to KRW 110,000 including the balance held, and the cumulative amount that can be used annually is KRW 2,000,000.
Card use and balance check You can check on the Culture Nuri website and check your balance with simple authentication.
There are two ways to inquire the balance. You can enter the user’s name, resident registration number, and card number, or authenticate yourself using a mobile phone or a joint certificate.
You can check it by entering information in ‘Homepage access>Card issuance/balance check>Card use and balance check’.
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문화누리카드 발급 방법
