2024 미국주식 휴장일 및 거래시간 2024 US stock closing days and trading hours

It is a good idea to check in advance for stock closing days. Now 2024 has arrived. I hope that you will find out when the holiday will be held again this year and make sure that you do not suffer losses due to the date when trading stocks.
stock holiday

미국주식 휴장일

미국주식 휴장일

easy table of contents
Summary of stock market closing days in 2024
Korean stock market closing days
Korean stock trading hours
Korean stock monthly closing days
US stock holiday
US stock trading hours
US stock monthly closing days
Checklist on stock holiday days
Good article to read together
Summary of stock market closing days in 2024
Korean stock market closing days
Let’s check the days when the Korean stock market is closed. It will be closed on the last business day of 2023. Likewise, in 2024, the stock market will be closed on the 31st, the last weekday business day.

In addition, it is a good idea to carefully check the days off each month and avoid losing money when buying or selling.

☞ Check domestic quarterly dividend stocks
Korean stock trading hours
Regular trading hours for Korean stocks are from 09:00 AM to 3:30 PM. Transaction start time may be delayed during college entrance exams or special days. Otherwise, trading is possible on weekdays, excluding public holidays, closed days, and days off.

Stock trading hours 09:00 ~ 15:30
Korean stock monthly closing days
Closed on Mondays
January 1st (New Year’s Day), 2nd (opens at 10 o’clock)
February 9 (Lunar New Year holiday), 12th (Lunar New Year substitute holiday)
March 1st (March 1st)
April 10 (National Assembly Election Day)
May 1st (Labor Day), 6th (Children’s Day substitute holiday), 15th (Buddha’s Birthday)
June 6 (Memorial Day)
No closed days except weekends in July
August 15 (Liberation Day)
September 16, 17, 18 (Chuseok Holiday)
October 3 (National Foundation Day), October 9 (Hangeul Day)
No closed days except weekends in November
December 25th (Christmas), 31st (year-end closure)
It is a public holiday or red day schedule. The break begins immediately on January 1st. Since New Year’s Day is a red day and a public holiday for everyone, the stock market is also closed.

The months that do not have a single day off are July and November. Of course, variables may arise from time to time, but under the current situation, the stock market is open on all business days.

If an event occurs in other months or an incident that causes the stock market to take a break occurs, we will update it from time to time so we can share the situation.



US stock holiday
There are many people who invest not only in the Korean stock market but also in the American stock market, right? Therefore, we will be able to find out all at once until the US stock market is closed.

☞ Check domestic high dividend ETFs

US stock trading hours
First, these are the US stock trading hours. These days, each securities company has a system in place that allows trading during the day. Although it is difficult to react right away, it is still good to be able to secure time to sleep at night.

Like Korean stocks, U.S. stocks can be traded on weekdays, and regular trading hours change based on daylight saving time.

23:30 ~ 06:00 the next morning (when daylight saving time is applied)
22:30 ~ 05:00 the next morning (when daylight saving time is not applied)
2024 Daylight Savings Time application period: March 13 to November 3
US stock monthly closing days
US stocks are divided into closed days and early closing days. Please check the schedule below carefully!

Closed on Mondays
January 1st (New Year’s Day), 15th (Martin Luther King Day)
February 19 (George Washington Day)
March 29 (Easter)
No stock market closing days in April
May 27 (Memorial Day)
June 19 (Emancipation Day)
July 3 (Independence Day/early closing), July 4 (Independence Day)
No stock market closing days in August
September 2 (Labor Day)
No stock market closures in October
November 28th (Thanksgiving), 29th (Black Friday/early closing)
December 25 (Christmas)
There are no months in which the stock market is closed – April, August or October. Other days that close early include Independence Day and Black Friday.

This year, it closed early on Black Friday as well. If you want to trade stocks on this day, you can buy or sell in advance.



Checklist on stock holiday days
There are many reasons why stock holidays are important, but the biggest one is related to dividends. Dividends are not eligible if purchases or sales are not made by a certain date based on business days.

Therefore, if you are delayed by a day due to a holiday, you will lose the right to receive dividends, so please keep this in mind.

And secondly, it is a case of financing cash. In general, in the case of stocks, withdrawal is not possible immediately after selling. It takes about +2 days for domestic and +3 days for overseas, so if you need to withdraw cash, it is recommended to check the closing days in advance and prepare.