반려동물행동교정사 [You can do it too, pet expert] (4) All ‘animal lovers’ gather together⋯ Pet behavior corrector

반려동물행동교정사In line with the increase in pet lovers, will look into the contents, acquisition methods, and uses of promising pet certifications over six installments.
‘Geumjjogi’ is a term used to refer to children who tend to cause trouble these days. The broadcast brings together people from all over the country, analyzes the reasons why they behave differently from ordinary people, and suggests solutions.
So, from whom can ‘animal Geumjki’, not a human being, receive treatment? Perhaps a ‘pet behavior corrector’ would be the right fit. Pet behavior correctors use their knowledge of the behavior, habits, and expressions of companion animals to provide socialization training and prevent and correct problem behaviors.
◆Test introduction
Pet behavior correction is a registered private certification. Currently, there are no nationally recognized certifications among related certifications. According to the Korea Research Institute for Vocational Education and Training’s private qualification information service website, a total of 29 licenses related to pet behavior correction technicians are searched. In the industry, it is known that among these, the certification hosted by the Korea Kennel Federation is the most credible.
Looking at this, it has not been long since the certification was created. The first test was held on November 19th last year. The number of people who took the first test was 207, and the number of people who took the third test held on February 11 this year was 208. The passing rates are quite high at 99% and 68.7%, respectively.
The second exam was held only for experts in order to promote the certification. This is why the number of applicants and the passing rate are not reported. According to an official from the Korea Kennel Federation, tests will continue to be held for the general public in the future.
The certification consists of level 1, level 2, and level 3. As the level increases, the qualification requirements become more stringent. Level 3 can be viewed by anyone over the age of 16, but level 2 is for those who have acquired the ‘Korean Kennel Federation Trainer Level 3’ or higher qualification. Level 1 can only be applied for by those who have acquired the level 2 or higher qualification as a trainer from the Korea Kennel Federation.
The exam is held a total of 4 times a year, and the closest exam date is June 17. The examination fee is 50,000 won and the certificate issuance fee is 100,000 won. There is no separate practical test.
◆Preparation process
Test times and subjects are different for each grade.
To obtain level 3, you must answer a total of 50 questions in 1 hour in 4 subjects, including ▲pet behavior correctionist ▲pet behavior ▲pet correction theory and education ▲law of life.
From level 2 onwards, the level goes up significantly. If you have acquired a level 3 pet behavior correction, you only need to take one subject, ‘Animal Protection Act’. Otherwise, you will have to take a test of 100 questions in all 5 subjects in 2 hours, including level 3 subjects plus animal protection law.
Level 1 must answer 50 questions in 2 subjects, including ▲ pet guardian consultation and ▲ pet guardian education, within 1 hour. Level 1 also includes 5 subjective questions, so it may feel a bit tricky.
Each question is worth 2 points, and you pass when you score 60 points or more out of 100.
Since all you have to do is take the written test, the organizing organization explains that solving the workbook and memorizing as much content as possible is the fastest way to passing the exam.
◆Industrial outlook
There are quite a few ways to utilize your pet behavior correction certification. First of all, you can work in the ‘animal foster care business’ such as animal hospitals, dog kindergartens, dog cafes, and pet salons.
According to the Animal Protection Act, animal consignment management business refers to a business that temporarily breeds, trains, and protects companion animals within the business premises upon entrustment from companion animal owners.
According to the report ‘Employment Effects of the Growth of Pet-related Industries’ published by the Korea Labor Institute in 2021, 85.7% of respondents responded that having a private license has an impact on the animal foster care industry, saying it is ‘helpful.’
You can also work as a freelancer as a ‘pet behavior counselor.’ In the new and future jobs section of ‘Worknet’, the employment information system of the Ministry of Employment and Labor, pet behavior correctors are introduced under the name ‘pet behavior counselors.’
It can be considered the same as a companion animal behavior corrector in that it plays a role in correcting problematic behavior in animals.
As the scope of work for behavior correctors grows, it is expected that more opportunities will arise to demonstrate one’s values ​​and vision.
Yang Yang-yeol, director of Guri Animal Hospital, said, “For pets to enjoy a satisfying and happy life, the role of a pet behavior counselor who can help smooth communication with the owner as well as the veterinary field, which is responsible for the health of the animal, is very important.” value was assessed.
Reporter Lee Yu-jeong
copyright ⓒThe Farmers Newspaper. All rights reserved. 02)3703-6114master@nongmin.com
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