반려동물 행동지도사 Nationally certified ‘pet behavior instructor’ selection plan to be announced in December < Government policy < Policy < Text of article - News Pet

반려동물 행동지도사The government previously announced that it would introduce the pet behavior instructor qualification system, a national qualification, to foster professional manpower in response to the increasing demand for companion animal training and behavior guidance. In addition, we conducted a research service related to the establishment and management of a national qualification system for pet behavior instructors, and in June, we began forming and operating a task force (TF) for introducing the pet behavior instructor system.
The government is collecting opinions and conducting internal discussions on how to operate the system through a task force comprised of about 20 external experts, including academia, behavioral guidance experts, qualification experts, and related organizations.
A government official said on the 12th, “We plan to prepare a plan for operating pet behavior instructor qualifications by the end of the year,” and added, “I understand that the appropriate time for the exam will be selected through internal discussion within the TF.”
He also said, “Nothing has been decided yet on the testing method or selection scale, and it is being discussed.” He added, “The specific operation plan will probably be announced around December of this year.”
Summarizing what government officials say, it is expected that the current pet behavior instructor exam method will be divided into written and practical tests. In particular, the number of people selected is expected to be around 1,500, but the number of people selected is expected to be adjusted depending on the size of test takers.
In the case of those with private qualifications related to pet behavior guidance, the extent to which their experience will be recognized is also of interest.
An official in the pet industry said, “Considering that the pet temperament evaluation system will be implemented next year, the number of newly selected pet behavior instructors will not be small,” and added, “In the case of currently active animal behavior instructors, the experience will be recognized. “We expect that guidelines will be issued as a solution,” he said.
Meanwhile, as of 2022, there are 59 private qualifications in the pet behavior guidance field. However, as they are operated according to different standards, demands have been continuously raised for the operation of a systematic and objective qualification system.
In addition, as the number of households raising pets increases, demand for pet-related policies such as dog behavior correction (noise, safety accidents, etc.), pre-adoption education, and temperament evaluation is also increasing significantly.
[Reporter Shin Eun-young / Fast news, honest journalism ⓒPet Health]

반려동물 행동지도사
