발로란트 청약철회 바로가기 Go to VALORANT subscription cancellation

Valorant is one of the representative first-person shooting games. If you do not like the content you purchased in this game, you can cancel your subscription and receive a refund. So, let’s find out how to cancel a subscription to Valorant.

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발로란트 청약철회

1. What is Valorant subscription cancellation?
2. Valorant subscription cancellation period
3. How to cancel your VALORANT subscription
4. Precautions when canceling a VALORANT subscription
5. VALORANT refund method
6. Difference between VALORANT subscription cancellation and refund
7. VALORANT subscription cancellation and refund FAQ
1. What is Valorant subscription cancellation?
Withdrawal of subscription refers to the right of a consumer to withdraw his/her subscription for a product even after purchasing the product. Therefore, VALORANT subscription cancellation means withdrawing the subscription for content purchased within the game and receiving a refund.

2. VALORANT subscription cancellation period
In Valorant, you can cancel your subscription within 7 days for content purchased within the game. However, this period may be extended up to 90 days in exceptional cases.

The exceptional cancellation criteria are as follows:

If purchased content is not used within 7 days
If the purchased content is used within 24 hours and no functions occur
If use is not possible due to in-game reasons such as server maintenance, etc.
If you accidentally purchase duplicates
In this case, you can cancel your subscription within 90 days by contacting the in-game customer support center or game administrator.

3. How to cancel your VALORANT subscription
In Valorant, you can cancel your subscription through the in-game customer support center.

First, go to the official Valorant website.
Click Customer Support Center.
Select Subscription Cancellation Request in the Customer Support Center.
Select the content you wish to cancel your subscription to.
Write a reason for cancellation of subscription.
Complete your application.
You can easily cancel your VALORANT subscription through these procedures.

4. Precautions when canceling a VALORANT subscription
In Valorant, there are precautions when canceling a subscription.

You must check whether the purchased content has been used.
You must not cancel your subscription while it is not used in the game.
In accordance with Riot Games’ regulations, your application for cancellation may be rejected.
Therefore, you must fully understand the precautions before canceling your subscription.

5. VALORANT refund method

In Valorant, you can also request a refund through the in-game customer support center. The refund period is within 7 days, as is the case for cancellation of subscription.

Refunds are possible in the following cases:

If a payment error occurs
In case of duplicate payment
When content is unavailable due to game server maintenance
To apply for a VALORANT refund, you must visit the in-game customer support center and fill out an application form. At this time, as with cancellation of subscription, you must write a reason for refund.

6. Difference between VALORANT subscription cancellation and refund

In Valorant, cancellation of subscription and refund are different concepts. Withdrawal of subscription refers to withdrawing your subscription for a product and receiving your money back after purchasing the product. A refund means receiving back part or all of the product purchase price.

Therefore, in Valorant, you can apply for both subscription cancellation and refund through the in-game customer support center, and you must be fully familiar with it so that you can apply appropriately depending on the situation.

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7. VALORANT subscription cancellation and refund FAQ
How long can I cancel my VALORANT subscription?
Typically within 7 days. However, in exceptional cases this may be extended up to 90 days.
Under what circumstances is it possible to cancel a VALORANT subscription?
If the product allows cancellation after purchase, you can apply within 7 days of purchase.
In what cases is a VALORANT refund possible?
There are situations in which a refund is possible, such as payment errors, duplicate payments, or content not being available due to game server maintenance.
How do I request cancellation and refund in VALORANT?
You can apply through the Valorant in-game customer support center.
Are VALORANT subscription cancellation and refund different concepts?
In Valorant, cancellation and refund are different concepts. Withdrawal is when you withdraw your subscription for a product and get your money back, and refund is when you get back part or all of the product purchase price.
What are the precautions when canceling a subscription to Valorant?
You must check whether the purchased content has been used, and do not cancel the subscription while it is not used in the game. It may be rejected according to Riot Games’ regulations, so you must fully understand before applying.
What are the precautions for receiving a refund in VALORANT?
You must carefully check the circumstances under which a refund is possible and apply through the in-game customer support center.
Where do I apply for VALORANT subscription cancellation and refund?
This can be done through the VALORANT in-game customer support center.
In what cases may my VALORANT subscription cancellation and refund application be rejected?
If the purchased product has been used, if the cancellation period has passed, or if a refund is not possible, it may be rejected.
Until when can I cancel my VALORANT subscription and apply for a refund?
Application for cancellation of subscription is possible within 7 days from the date of receiving the product. You can apply for a refund within 14 days of purchasing the product, and for content purchased within the game, you can apply for a refund within 90 days from the date of purchase.
How long does it take to process VALORANT subscription cancellation and refund?
The processing time varies depending on the application method and situation, and usually takes about 3 to 7 days.
What should I do if my subscription or refund is refused in VALORANT?
You can check the reason for rejection and contact Riot Games’ customer support center for advice.
What information is required when applying for VALORANT subscription cancellation and refund?
Requested product information, purchase date, applicant information, account information, etc. are required.
Is there a fee for subscription cancellation and refund processing in VALORANT?
Generally, there are no fees for cancellation of subscription or processing of refunds, but this may vary depending on the situation.
Where can I resolve additional questions about subscription cancellation and refund in VALORANT?
You can contact us through the VALORANT in-game customer support center or Riot Games’ customer support center.
Above we have learned about cancellation and refund methods in VALORANT. If necessary, please check with the in-game customer support center or Riot Games’ customer support center for detailed information.