불법주차 신고하는 방법(feat.안전신문고) How to report illegal parking (feat. Safety Report)

Let’s learn about the reward for reporting illegal parking and how to use the reporting app. Sometimes, while walking down the street, you can see illegally parked cars. In this case, for safety reasons, you can report it through the ‘Safety Report App’.불법주차 신고

불법주차 신고

If you read this article until the end, you will find a way to avoid fines. Be sure to check it out.


Vehicle number traffic fine search


Reward for reporting illegal parking
While driving, you will come across illegally parked cars, which you must report for everyone’s safety. In the past, there were many people called caparazzi who would look for illegally parked cars and receive a reward for reporting them.


Currently, the reward system has disappeared and has been changed to mileage accumulation.


Illegal parking reporting app
If you find an illegally parked car, you can report the illegal parking through the Safety Report app.


Install the ‘Safety Report (formerly Life Inconvenience Report) app from the Google Play Store.


After running the Safety Report app, take two photos at one-minute intervals in the report menu.


After saving the photo, simply enter it in the report and submit.


If you report illegal parking through the illegal parking reporting app, please be careful when taking photos. If we report it, a fine will be imposed on the illegal vehicle, so if the owner sees it, a fight may arise.


Reward for reporting illegal parking

Install the Safety Newspaper app


Reward mileage for reporting illegal parking
If you report illegal parking, the processing agency will conduct a satisfaction survey once the processing is complete. You must participate in the satisfaction survey to receive mileage points for your report.


At the end of the year, excellent mileage points are selected and prizes such as souvenirs and mobile coupons are awarded.


There are no rewards such as cash, local currency, or gift certificates.


Precautions for reporting illegal parking
The reporter’s photo must be able to confirm the license plate number, location and time of the violation. The time difference between the first and second photos must be more than 10 minutes.


Only photos taken with the Safety Newspaper app camera are accepted.


The public official in charge checks the details of the report and then decides whether to impose a fine.


Illegal parking report subject
Before reporting illegal parking, please make sure you know exactly whether the vehicle you are reporting was illegally parked before reporting it.


5 major no-parking zones
1. Small turn within 5m (fine 80,000~90,000 won)

2. On a crosswalk (fine 40,000 to 50,000 won)

3. Children’s protection zone (fine 120,000-130,000 won)

4. Within 5m of intersection corner (fine 40,000~50,000 won)

5. Bus stop 10m (fine 40,000-50,000 won)


Illegal parking enforcement period
To determine whether a vehicle is illegal, it is determined by the lines marked on the road surface.


1. Solid white line: The solid white line is the boundary that separates the road from the sidewalk, so parking is possible.


2. Yellow dotted line: Parking is not allowed on the yellow dotted line and parking is allowed within 5 minutes.


3. Solid yellow line: Solid yellow lines allow parking within specific days and times.


4. Double yellow track: The double yellow track is a no-parking zone.


Illegal parking enforcement period


Illegal parking report subject
1. 5 illegal parking zones: Vehicles stopped for more than 1 minute in no parking zone

2. Illegal parking: Vehicle stopped for more than 10 minutes in a no-parking zone.


How to exempt from fines
It can be unfair to inadvertently receive a fine for illegal parking.

In this case, if the vehicle is unable to be driven due to an accident or breakdown, exemption from fines is possible.


If you are unable to move your vehicle, you will receive a towing service through your insurance company. You can contact the tow driver or insurance company and receive a towing certificate on the same day.


Additionally, if you request a maintenance report from the car center where the car was repaired, obtain it, and attach it to the local government in charge, you can be exempt from fines for illegal parking.


Reward for reporting illegal parking

This article summarizes the rewards for reporting illegal parking and how to use the reporting app. Although you do not receive a monetary reward, you can receive various benefits such as gift certificates at the end of the year by accumulating mileage.