생애주기별 건강검진 검사항목 및 대상자 유형과 비용 Health checkup items by life cycle, type of subject, and cost

Health checkups are the best way to prevent diseases by detecting and treating them early. However, some people don’t feel the need or tend to put it off until later. Losing your health is like losing everything, so we hope you can live a healthy and happy life with regular health checkups. For a healthy life, we will inform you about health checkups for each life cycle and life transition period.


생애주기별 건강검진

생애주기별 건강검진

Life transition period health check-up for each life cycle

Subject to health checkup
The National Health Insurance Corporation provides free health checkups every two years for adult men and women of a certain age. If the last number of the year is odd, those born in odd-numbered years are eligible for health checkups. If the last number of the year is odd, those born in even-numbered years are eligible for health checkups.


Life transition period health check-up for each life cycle

health checkup hospital
Those eligible for health checkups must make an appointment at a hospital that conducts health checkups and receive health checkups. You can find hospitals that conduct health checkups by region on the National Health Insurance website. You can receive a health checkup at a hospital anywhere in the country at any designated checkup institution, regardless of your address.


Life transition period health check-up for each life cycle

General health checkup
This is a general checkup based on basic physical measurements such as height, weight, vision, and hearing, as well as hepatitis, blood tests, and chest radiography. Additional general checkup items are added depending on gender and age. If a specific disease is suspected based on the results of the general checkup, a confirmatory test is performed. Those suspected of having high blood pressure, diabetes, or pulmonary tuberculosis are subject to confirmatory testing and undergo additional tests for each.


Life transition period health check-up for each life cycle
Life transition period health check-up for each life cycle

6 major cancer screenings
For stomach cancer, colon cancer, liver cancer, breast cancer, cervical cancer, and lung cancer, the applicable cancer tests vary depending on age. Since cancer has no special symptoms in the early stages and is easy to ignore, it is very important to detect it early through regular checkups.


Life transition period health check-up for each life cycle
The cost of cancer screening is 90% borne by the Corporation and 10% by the examinee. (However, colon cancer and cervical cancer are fully covered by public insurance)

※If you undergo a colonoscopy without performing a fecal occult blood test (stool test), you must bear the full cost of the test.


Health checkup results
Once the test is complete, you will receive the results by mail or email within 15 days from the test date.


Life transition period health check-up
Since the ages of 40 and 66 are a period of significant change in health, we provide life transition health checkups, which are customized health checkups that take into account gender and age characteristics. After the age of 40, you need to pay attention to your health and prevent health risk factors through health checkups to detect and treat them early.


Life transition period health check-up for each life cycle

Health checkup by life cycle
20s to 30s

If the basic test has been performed and you have a family history of cancer or a history of cancer, it is recommended that you undergo additional cancer screening. Women in their 20s and older can be screened for cervical cancer every two years. The lifestyle and eating habits of the younger generation due to late-night snacking, overeating, and delivery food can harm their health and cause high blood pressure, obesity, and diabetes. And recently, the number of people in their 20s and 30s suffering from depression and anxiety disorders is increasing, so it is recommended that they get a free mental health diagnosis.


40s to 50s

It is a good idea to undergo regular checkups for stomach cancer, liver cancer, lung cancer, and colon cancer along with general checkups. To prevent stomach cancer, it is recommended to undergo a gastroscopy every two years on average, and when a stomach tumor is removed, it is recommended to undergo a gastroscopy every year. It is recommended that a colonoscopy be performed every five years. It is recommended that women in their 40s undergo a bone density test and a breast cancer test (examination every two years) together.

Over 50s

People over 50 years old are screened for colon cancer once a year. Men in their 50s and older should pay attention to stomach cancer and lung cancer caused by frequent drinking and smoking, and also undergo heart and cerebrovascular tests as they are at risk of vascular disease. Women in their 50s and older are at the age when menopause begins, and abnormal symptoms begin to appear in their bodies. Since it is easy to become obese after menopause, you should pay attention to weight management, and in addition to basic cancer screening, it is recommended to undergo osteoporosis and pelvic ultrasound.


Over 60s

It is recommended that you undergo dementia testing and psychological testing along with basic and cancer testing. Since myocardial infarction or stroke can be caused by high blood pressure and diabetes, we recommend that you undergo a cardiovascular and cerebrovascular examination. You can undergo a physical function test for the elderly and a cognitive dysfunction test to screen for dementia, and since bones and muscles become weak, it is also recommended to undergo tests for osteoporosis or musculoskeletal diseases.