서울시 소상공인 지원금 신청방법 및 지급조건 How to apply for the Seoul Small Business Support Fund and payment conditions

It is said that the Seoul Metropolitan Government is providing “support for small business owners’ employment incentives” for small businesses. It is said that in 2023, an employment incentive of 3 million won per new worker will be supported. I’ll tell you how to apply right away below, so please pay attention for a moment!


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How to Apply for Employment Subsidy Support for Small Businesses in Seoul
How to Apply for Employment Subsidy Support for Small Businesses in Seoul
How to Apply for Employment Subsidy Support for Small Businesses in Seoul
How to Apply for Employment Subsidy Support for Small Businesses in Seoul

How to apply for the Seoul Small Business Support Employment Subsidy

Application period
Applications are accepted at any time from April 3, 2023 until the budget is exhausted.


서울시 소상공인 지원금

서울시 소상공인 지원금


How to Apply for Employment Subsidy Support for Small Businesses in Seoul

You must be a small business owner in the Seoul area. Reception is made by the business owner.


Application Requirements and Details
The application requirement is to retain employment for 6 months after hiring new personnel in 2023. To be precise, it is based on employment insurance. To be precise, you can apply after 3 months of hiring and maintain employment insurance for 3 months after being hired. Up to 10 employees per company are supported at KRW 3 million per new employee.



How to apply

Direct visit to the borough where the business is located
On Saturdays, Sundays and public holidays, email only.

Support for Small Business Support Employment Subsidies

Person in charge of each district and receptionist (mail, e-mail, and fax numbers organized)


payment schedule

Currently, it is based on April submissions.

Confirmation of employment insurance maintenance from June 30, 2023
Employment incentive payment from July 2023~
Inspection of fraudulent double collection, redemption from July 2023~
Example) If you hired a new worker in January 2023, you applied for a subsidy in April. Then, the Seoul Metropolitan Government and autonomous districts will confirm the maintenance of employment insurance until the end of June, and payment will be made in July.



Application documents and supporting documents

application documents
An application form, a copy of the business owner’s (corporate) bankbook (family members are allowed in case of delegation), and personal and corporate information processing agreement are essential.

You can go directly to the issuance website and download the necessary documents.


👉Shortcut to website for issuance of application form and personal and corporate information processing agreement


Documentary evidence
How to Apply for Employment Subsidy Support for Small Businesses in Seoul
How to Apply for Employment Subsidy Support for Small Businesses in Seoul
Please refer to the remarks section and attach the necessary documents.


👉Shortcut to Hometex


Separate documents to be submitted if necessary

How to Apply for Employment Subsidy Support for Small Businesses in Seoul
How to Apply for Employment Subsidy Support for Small Businesses in Seoul


Seoul Job Policy Division 02-120