소형 폐가전 수거함 위치 How to dispose of small electric fans (free home appliance collection, waste stickers)

I’m cleaning the house for the weekend

left in a warehouse

A fan comes into view. 소형 폐가전 수거함 위치

소형 폐가전 수거함 위치

I put it to good use last summer

The wind was cold at the end 1분전

I remembered that it was broken in the end.

can’t use it anyway

If the fan is broken, even now

I wanted to dispose of it right away.

Then, in order to dispose of it properly

You will think about what to do.

How to dispose of a small electric fan

∨Free waste collection method and location

∨ Waste sticker cost

First, the free home appliance collection service

The fan I have to use

You need to know if you belong to the collection target.

Since 2011, the height of less than 1m

Household appliances are classified as small appliances.

They have become subject to free collection.

Most are less than 1m in height.

Household fans are also classified as small home appliances.

Even a small thing like today

Be sure to attach the waste sticker

How sweet it is when you have to give it up

I was so happy to know that it was news!

Shouting Lululala with a happy heart

I also figured out how to get rid of it.

The first thing to do is to go find it and throw it away.

Installed in the nearest administrative welfare center

Dispose of in the collection box for small appliances.

Depending on the apartment you live in

Separate waste collection box

There is also a place prepared, so before throwing it away

Please take a look.

if you want to throw away

If there are more than 5 small appliances

Rather, it makes it easier to dispose of the fan.

By the way, it can be mixed with other things.

Online waste home collection reservation system

After writing the desired collection date and discharge items,

Put it in the designated place and you’re done!

One more tip of mine here

If the quantity is less than 5

Post on apartment cafes or communities

Collecting 5 is also a way.

Moreover, this collected

Small appliances extract some parts

It is said to be recycled.

So, how do I get rid of the fan?

I try to use this method whenever possible.

but inevitably only one

There are times when you need to throw it away quickly.

In that case, the waste sticker

You can use it to release it.

If you go to a nearby mart or convenience store

Note that it is easy to purchase.

The cost of the waste sticker when throwing away the fan

based on where I live

2,000 won for home use, and larger sizes

It was 3,000 won. this depends on the region

There are slight differences

Please check once.

If you know, how to throw away so many different types of fans!

everyone according to their own circumstances

I hope you dispose of it wisely.