스마트 저축은행 비상금대출 Smart Savings Bank Emergency Loan 5 million won Small Loan Conditions, Limit, and Interest Rate

스마트 저축은행 비상금대출Smart Savings Bank’s emergency loan product can be used by housewives and the unemployed who have difficulty proving their income due to their unstable income.

Anyone can use it without proof of income if their credit score is 601 or higher based on the credit information agency’s criteria, but additional proof of income is required for men aged 31 and women aged 29 or older.

The target of use is calculated based on credit scores and estimated income, but men aged 31 and women aged 29 or younger must be able to prove their income.
1 In the case of financial emergency loan products, up to 3 million won can be used, but this product can be used up to 5 million won, and the maximum limit is applied differently depending on the results of the personal credit evaluation.
This repayment method is a method where only interest is paid on the amount used and all principal and interest are repaid before the due date. In general, the maturity lump sum repayment method is used continuously by setting the period to 1 year and extending it by 1 year, but this product can be used by setting it to 5 years in a new contract.
The interest rate is applied differently depending on the results of the personal credit evaluation.
Check the limit
It is applied within 1% of the repayment amount, and is exempted if the period of use is 3 years or longer.
You can cancel the loan contract within 14 days after the loan is executed. At this time, you must repay all the principal and interest received.
If you cancel the subscription, it cannot be canceled, and the loan information for the relevant period will be deleted within 5 days.
If you cancel more than twice within the past month, the bank may reject additional loans or extend the maturity due to abuse of the right of withdrawal.
If you determine that your credit rating has improved due to increased income, increased assets, or decreased debt, you can request a lower interest rate. However, if the improvement is minor and does not meet the criteria, it may not be accepted. If you use this product, your credit score may decrease depending on your personal credit rating. A decrease in your credit score may result in restrictions or disadvantages in financial transactions.
If you are delinquent for a certain period of time, you may be required to repay the principal and interest before the end of the contract period.
There are no handling fees or extension fees.
This is a small loan product that can be used by those with a NICE credit score of over 350 points, and can be used by housewives or the unemployed who have difficulty proving their income. Housewives and the unemployed can also use it, but if they are under 29 years of age, they cannot use it and only those who have health insurance from their workplace can use it. Pepper Savings Bank Emergency Loan
This product can be used by anyone who has an estimated annual income of 12 million won or more, even if their income is not constant and it is difficult to prove their income. An annual income of 12 million won is an amount that anyone can use if their estimated income can be calculated. Credit score is also a score that anyone can use if there is no delinquency information, so it is a product that can be used by anyone over the age of 30. However, college students and graduate students are excluded from the target group.
Shinhan Savings Bank New 500
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