시니어 인턴십 Senior Job Project – What is Senior Internship?

시니어 인턴십Senior Internship is one of the types of senior job projects implemented by the Korea Senior Citizens’ Human Resources Development Institute. In order to promote employment of people over the age of 60, the government provides labor cost support to companies hiring senior interns to encourage continued employment.

Through the Senior Internship Project, which has been implemented since 2011, the government supports approximately 50% of the salary (up to 370,000 won per month) per person for 3 months to companies hiring senior job seekers. If a work contract is signed for more than six months after the internship ends, the government will provide additional employment support funds to the company. The maximum amount of support that the government provides to companies for labor costs is a total of 2.22 million won.

Any senior over the age of 60 can apply for the senior internship. However, after applying for an internship, you must complete training provided by the Korea Senior Human Resources Development Institute or an implementing agency.

Go to Korea Senior Human Resources Development Institute

After completing the training, you will be screened through documents and interviews by the company you wish to hire, and if you pass, you will be able to work as a senior intern.

The salary received while working as a senior intern is based on the working hours and salary standards stipulated in the employment contract with the hiring company.

Today, we learned about what types of senior internships are among the types of jobs for senior citizens and how to participate in senior internships. Anyway, I hope this article was helpful.

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