시사상식 문제 [Hyundai common sense competency evaluation] Common sense science and IT > Trend & Life > Hyundai E&C Newsroom

시사상식 문제There is no useless knowledge. Miscellaneous common sense useful to know! Even if it looks light, it is a law that can be used anytime and somehow if it is accumulated with knowledge. Let’s find out interesting common sense in various fields by solving quizzes.

OX Quiz
1. The name of the water clock made by Jang Yeong-sil and others under the order of King Sejong is ‘Angbuilgu’.
2. What is in the camel’s hump is ‘water’.
3. According to the second law of thermodynamics, the value of ‘entropy’ always increases.
4. ‘Shoemaker-Levy 9’ is a now extinct comet.

multiple choice
1. Which of the following is the largest amount of matter in the universe?
① Hydrogen ② Helium ③ Carbon
2. Which of the following is least related to the modifier ‘first’?
① Wooribyeol 1 ② Jang Bogo Station ③ Columbia
3. What is the technology field that produces biofuels as well as chemical products using renewable eco-friendly resources such as plants instead of fossil fuels?
① Red Bio ② White Bio ③ Bio Filter

short form
1. Former Chinese leader Deng Xiaoping once said, “If the Middle East has oil, China has it.” China accounts for more than 90% of the world’s production of this. What does this mean for the 17 rare minerals used to produce products such as hybrid cars and LCDs?
2. The color of the container is designated differently depending on the type of high-pressure gas. Liquefied ammonia is white, hydrogen is orange, liquid chlorine is brown, and acetylene is yellow. If so, what color container should LPG be stored in?

OX Quiz 1. X (Angbuilgu is a sundial, and a water clock is Jagyeongnu) / 2. X (The fat stored in the hump is used as energy for the camel’s metabolism) / 3. O (Entropy is the value that a certain amount is consumed when converting matter or energy. Entropy always increases in the entire universe) / 4. O (Shoemaker-Levy 9 collided with Jupiter in July 1994 and annihilated)
Multiple Choice 1. ① / 2. ② / 3. ②
Short form 1. Rare earth / 2. Gray (light gray)

Searching for Common Sense Terms
What is the Regulatory Sandbox?
Providing opportunities for market entry based on ‘innovation’ and ‘stability’ to support the smooth market entry of new technologies and services. It is a ‘laboratory of innovation’ that allows empirical testing with restrictions on time, place, and scale. It means limiting easing of various regulations imposed on the sector so that companies can invest. It originated from the sandbox where children can play freely without worrying about danger. In 2016, the UK was the first to introduce a regulatory sandbox in the financial sector, and many countries around the world are implementing it.

What is the Korean regulatory sandbox model?
Compared to other countries, which focus on special cases for demonstration, Korea has completed a wide range of systems such as rapid regulatory confirmation, provisional permits, and special cases for demonstration. Unlike major countries that are implementing regulatory sandboxes in the financial sector, they are being implemented across industries such as ICT convergence, industry convergence, financial innovation, and regional innovation.

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