신용점수 조회 Bad credit score, how do I improve it?

What is your credit score? How to check right now!
1. Credit score, why is it important?

Loans and Credit Cards: A high credit score gives you an advantage when it comes to getting loans and credit cards, and you may be eligible for lower interest rates.
Guarantor Restrictions: A low credit score may limit your ability to become a guarantor.
Lease Agreement: Recently, credit scores are increasingly being checked when signing a home lease. 신용점수 조회
Others: It can have an impact in various fields such as employment, public office, credit card installment benefits, and mobile phone installment benefits from telecommunication companies. 이베이스매뉴얼
2. Check your credit score right now!

신용점수 조회

2.1 Online inquiry

2.2 Mobile app inquiry

Toss App: www.toss.im (free inquiry possible without identity verification after opening a Toss Bank account)
2.3 Visit to financial institutions

You can visit financial institutions such as banks, credit card companies, etc. to fill out an application and make inquiries.
2.4 Paid Views

You can apply directly to a credit rating agency and search for a fee.
3. More detailed information

Step-by-step guide for beginners: Provides detailed explanations for each step, clearly guides you through the identity verification process, required documents, and precautions, and uses screenshot images and video materials to improve understanding.
Utilization of visual materials: Comparison of the pros and cons of each inquiry method, visual explanations such as credit score calculation factors and meaning of each credit rating, and use of graphs and charts to help you easily understand trends in credit score changes
FAQ: Provides answers to key questions related to credit scores, explains terms, corrects error information, and provides additional information
Customer support: Provides various customer support channels such as phone, email, and chat, and responds kindly to inquiries related to credit score inquiry and management.
4. Additional information

5. Tips!

Use of free inquiries 3 times a year: In accordance with the ‘Act on the Use and Protection of Credit Information’, citizens can check their credit information for free up to 3 times a year.
Use the mobile app: You can easily check your credit score.
Take advantage of bank/card company benefits: Some banks and card companies provide their own credit score inquiry services.
Use the Financial Supervisory Service website: You can also check your credit score for free on the Financial Supervisory Service website.
6. If you have any questions, please feel free to ask!

We hope that you can enjoy various benefits by maintaining a high credit score through consistent effort and credit management.