안마바우처 신청방법 How to apply for a massage voucher and check local governments where you can apply

안마바우처 신청방법Since you cannot receive it until you apply, you will have to wait until next year if you miss it. Let’s find out how to apply for a massage voucher and the local governments where you can apply.

National Health Insurance website

Massage vouchers are one of the win-win policies planned by the government.
We aim to create jobs by providing jobs for visually impaired masseuses.
It is one of the government-supported projects that improves the quality of life of Korean citizens with the goal of improving the health of the elderly and patients who need massage such as physical therapy.

Support is provided once a week, a total of 4 times a month, and lasts 60 minutes.

The important point here is that only 10% of the out-of-pocket expenses are incurred.
If you receive a full body massage that costs 40,000 won, it will cost 4,000 won.

It can be used in various places such as acupressure, foot massage, full body, body shape correction, stimulation therapy, etc.

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Check the median income in 2024

Please check the eligibility requirements before applying for a massage voucher.

●Apply from age 60 or older
There is no age limit for the disabled or meritorious.

●Below 140% of the standard median income
Please check the standard median income for changes in 2024.

Check the median income in 2024

If you are a basic pension recipient, you are excluded from the standard median income standard.

●Specific disease code
Although it is said to be a specific disease code, the scope of the disease is surprisingly wide.
There are many diseases that everyone is aware of, such as diabetes, high blood pressure, and hyperlipidemia, so don’t worry about this part.
We recommend that you apply or receive consultation first.

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National Health Insurance Corporation website

You can apply for these types of support policies online, but unfortunately, massage vouchers can only be applied for in person so far.

You must prepare the application documents and visit the community center based on your place of residence to apply.
Required documents required when applying are:

You can obtain the massage voucher application form from the required documents above by visiting the community center and inquiring.
You must prepare your own health insurance premium payment confirmation.

View health insurance premium payment confirmation

Check local government residence for health massage voucher

The local government that implements the massage voucher is determined.
For example
Seoul City is implementing it in areas excluding Nowon, Gangbuk, Gwangjin, Songpa, and Jongno.
In the case of Busan, it is implemented in all regions except Gangseo.

▼Check local governments for massage vouchers nationwide▼

Check the local government implementing the project

Since this is a policy implemented jointly by the government and local governments, the budget is limited.
In other words, since it is done on a first-come, first-served basis, do not hesitate and check first whether your residence is eligible for the massage voucher implementation project.

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