어린이 보호구역 속도위반 벌금 조회하는 방법 How to check fines for speeding in child protection zones

What happens if you exceed the speed limit while driving in a child protection zone designed to protect children? For those of you who are curious about this, today we would like to provide you with all information related to fines for speeding in child protection zones. Let’s consider not only the safety of your children, but also the safety of your wallet.어린이 보호구역 속도위반

어린이 보호구역 속도위반

Fines for speeding in child protection zones

The fines for speeding in child protection zones are as follows. It is worth noting that the fine varies depending on the speed exceeded.


With the application of the 2020 School Zone Civilization Act, laws on speeding violations within child protection zones have become stricter. You must be careful about your speed in school zones. Violation of this law will result in fines and demerit points.


When driving below 20km/h, a fine of 70,000 won and 15 penalty points will be imposed for passenger cars. These fines and demerit points increase as driving speed increases.

For example, when driving more than 20 km/h but less than 40 km/h, a passenger car will be subject to a fine of 100,000 won and 30 penalty points. Speeding violations result in penalty points as well as fines, so to avoid this, you must adhere to the given speed limit within the school zone.



If the speed is less than 20km/h, the fee is approximately 70,000 won, and as the speed violation increases, the fee increases up to 130,000 won. It will increase by almost twice.


Check fines for speeding in children’s protection zones

Did you know that you can check speeding fines in advance in child protection zones? If you are wondering if you have committed a speeding violation, we recommend checking the website.





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