에버랜드 큐패스 가격 및 구매방법 Everland Q-Pass price and purchase method

You’ve probably all experienced going to Everland and not being able to ride a few rides because of the crowds of people, and spending hours waiting in line. So, I would like to introduce you to a way to enter directly without waiting in line. This is how to use Everland Q-PASS.에버랜드 큐패스


에버랜드 큐패스



Everland Q-PASS



What is Everland Q-PASS?
Simply put, a Q Pass is a ticket that allows you to enter popular attractions (= rides) directly without waiting in line. To put it more bluntly, it is a system that prevents you from waiting because you will pay a little more. Considering that waiting times for popular attractions take at least 1 to 2 hours, using Q-PASS can be considered very efficient.


From personal experience, I would like to say that Q-Pass is a necessity, not an option. I also recently visited Everland, and had to wait for about an hour and a half to board a popular attraction. At that time, while I was waiting in line, I saw some people show something to the staff member and then board right away, as if they were proudly cutting in line.


So I asked the employee, and at the time I didn’t know what it was, but now that I think about it, it was Q-PASS.




Everland Q-PASS purchase method and price
Everland Q-PASS can only be purchased at Yanolja. Please make a reservation in advance as the date you want may not be available.



Go to Yanolja PC version
Go to Yanolja Android
Go to Yanolja iPhone


We will tell you how to purchase Q Pass based on the mobile version. Please note that the screens of the mobile version and PC version are the same.

Everland Q-PASS – Yanolja
Everland Q-PASS – Yanolja
When you run the Yanolja app, you will see the main screen. On the main screen, click the search section at the top.




Everland Q-PASS – Yanolja
Everland Q-PASS – Yanolja
By default, it is set to domestic accommodation. Since integrated search is not available, select Leisure/Tickets. Search with the search term Everland, Q-PASS, or Q-PASS.




Everland Q-PASS – Yanolja
Everland Q-PASS – Yanolja
From the search screen, select the All-Day Pass + Q-PASS package for the month you wish to visit. Please note that Everland Q-PASS must be purchased together with the all-day pass.




Everland Q-PASS – Yanolja
Everland Q-PASS – Yanolja
The price varies depending on the attraction you want to use, from 53,300 won to 67,600 won. Additionally, prices on weekends and public holidays may differ slightly from weekday prices.




Attractions available with Everland Q-PASS



There are a total of five attractions that can be used with Q-Pass, including Everland’s most popular attractions: T-Express, Safari, Amazon Express, Lost Valley, and Thunder Falls. Since only one of the five is possible, it is wise to be wise and choose the attraction that is likely to have the longest waiting time.


Everland Q-PASS – T-Express
Everland Q-PASS – T-Express
If you like thrills, this is a must-ride attraction. You can feel the dizzying sensation of falling at an incredible speed of over 100 km/h and at a drop angle of as much as 77 degrees. It is an attraction with a large fan base, and there are quite a few people who say they go to Everland just to ride the T-Express.



Everland Q-PASS – Safari
Everland Q-PASS – Safari
This is an attraction where you ride a bus with a bulletproof front and encounter wild animals such as lions, Bengal tigers, white tigers, and black bears. For your information, you can enjoy it no matter where you sit, as long as you don’t sit too far back.



amazon express
Everland Q-PASS – Amazon Express
Everland Q-PASS – Amazon Express
This is an attraction where you ride a 10-seater round boat on a 580m high winding rapids in the Amazon jungle. It takes about 7 minutes, and please note that your clothes and shoes may get wet.



lost valley
Everland Q-PASS – Lost Valley
Everland Q-PASS – Lost Valley
This is an attraction where you can ride a bus and meet over 150 animal friends of 20 species. You can meet Everland’s representative animals, such as giraffes, zebras, and ostriches, and have experiences such as feeding the giraffes that stick their faces inside the bus. The difference with safari is that safari targets carnivores like wild animals, while Lost Valley targets herbivores.


For reference, you can see the animals closer if you sit in the middle on the left side. That way, you can experience feeding the giraffes up close, which is the highlight of Lost Valley.



Thunder Falls
Everland Q-PASS – Thunder Falls
Everland Q-PASS – Thunder Falls
It is a dizzying attraction just thinking about falling at a 45-degree angle from 20m, the highest drop height in Korea. Your clothes may get very wet, no, quite a lot. Therefore, one tip is to prepare a raincoat. There used to be a Whooroom Ride, but when it was remodeled, the Whooroom Ride disappeared and Thunder Falls was created when it was upgraded. What’s unusual is that out of the two falls, one falls backwards.




How to use Everland Q-PASS
Everland Q-PASS
Everland Q-PASS
Everland Q-PASS
Everland Q-PASS – Everland
It’s simple to use. When you purchase a Q-Pass product, you will receive a QR code via text message or Yanolja. Register the QR code you received in the Everland app and show it when entering the attraction to enter immediately.



▼ Download Everland official app (iPhone) ▼

Download Everland official app (iPhone)


▼ Download Everland official app (Android) ▼

Download Everland official app (Android)



Everland Q-PASS
Everland Q-PASS
Everland Q-PASS
Everland Q-PASS – Everland
Please use Everland Q-PASS to drastically reduce waiting time in line and enjoy more attractions.