에어컨 전기세 계산 How to calculate air conditioner electricity bills, try it in advance!!!

에어컨 전기세 계산First, you need to know the energy efficiency rating of the air conditioner in your home. I will calculate using our air conditioner as an example.

If you look at the picture, the rated capacity is written, and next to it, the monthly power consumption is arbitrarily calculated in the energy consumption efficiency rating. In addition, the electricity cost is calculated based on 7.8 hours per day. For those who use a Samsung wall-mounted inverter air conditioner like ours, there is no need to calculate it separately.

Now, let me explain using LG air conditioner as an example. I understand that LG air conditioners have cooling efficiency and rated cooling capacity written on them. Then, let’s calculate using the example below. You should count the air conditioner in your home.

= Cooling capacity / Cooling efficiency

= Power consumption Χ Operating time Χ Number of days

ex) Cooling efficiency = 8.01W/W Rated cooling capacity = 6500W power consumption
= 6500/80.1 = approximately 811

Monthly power usage
= 811 Χ 10 Χ 30 = 243,300 Wh (assuming 8 hours of driving time per day, 30 days a month)

Now, let’s apply the monthly electricity usage shown above to the KEPCO rate table to find out how much you actually have to pay.

For general home use, there are low pressure and high pressure for residential use. If it is an apartment, you can choose residential high pressure. And for general houses, multi-family houses, and villas, you can choose low pressure for residential use. In the example above, 243.3 kWh was calculated, so if you calculate it by applying it to the high-pressure rate for residential use, it corresponds to ‘use of 300 kWh or less’, so 243 Χ 73.3 = about 17,811 won. So, if you turn on the air conditioner for 10 hours a day every day, your electricity bill will be about 17,900 won. . Of course, there will be additional fees added to that amount, but I think it is cheaper than I thought.

And actually, I calculated it like this, but in fact, even if you don’t look at the electricity bill, you can easily calculate it these days by just searching for ‘electricity bill calculator.’

You can use the calculator provided by the portal, but there is an electricity rate calculator provided by KEPCO, so those who want accurate figures can use it.

It’s simple, but I calculated the electricity bill. It’s simpler than you might think, so if you’re worried about your electricity bill going up in the summer, be sure to try it at least once. I will conclude today’s article.

Summary of ways to save on air conditioner electricity bills (constant speed type, inverter type)
Summary of ways to save on air conditioner electricity bills (constant speed type, inverter type)
Today, we have summarized ways to save on air conditioner electricity bills. July is already over and the real heat of August has begun. It’s really scary how hot it will be this year. But electricity is as scary as heat

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