에어팟 분실 Lost AirPods Use the Find My App

에어팟 분실
Title: Lost AirPods? Here’s What You Should Do to Find Them!

*Picture this: You’re rushing to catch your train, listening to your favorite tunes on your AirPods when suddenly, disaster strikes! One of them slips out of your ear and disappears into thin air.*

1. The Panic Sets In:
*Losing your AirPods can be a truly distressing experience. However, panicking won’t help. Stay calm, take a deep breath, and follow these steps to increase your chances of finding your beloved audio companions.*

2. Retrace Your Steps:
*Start by retracing your steps to the last place you remember having your AirPods. A coffee shop, the gym, or even your own home could be where you last saw them.*

3. Use the Find My App:
*Did you know that your AirPods have a built-in feature called Find My that can help you locate them? Open the Find My app on your iPhone or iPad, locate your AirPods, and click Play Sound. The sound will gradually increase in volume, leading you straight to their hiding spot.*

4. Employ the Power of Siri:
*If the previous step didn’t work or you’ve misplaced your iPhone, Siri can come to the rescue. Activate Siri on any of your Apple devices and simply say, “Find my AirPods.” Siri will use the Find My app to assist you in locating your lost treasure.*

5. Think Outside the Box:
*If your AirPods are out of battery or aren’t connected to your device, the Find My app won’t be of much help. In such cases, try using alternative methods. Check between couch cushions, in coat pockets, or even inside your bag. Sometimes, they end up in the most unexpected places.*

6. Reaching Out to Apple:
*If you’re still unable to find your AirPods, it might be time to contact Apple support. They can guide you through further troubleshooting steps or provide information on potential replacements.*

7. Prevention is Better Than Cure:
*To avoid finding yourself in a similar predicament in the future, take preventative measures. Consider investing in AirPod accessories like an attached strap or a protective case that makes them harder to misplace.*

*Losing AirPods can be a nightmare, but there’s hope. By staying calm, retracing your steps, utilizing the Find My app and Siri, thinking creatively, and reaching out to Apple if necessary, you increase your chances of recovering your lost AirPods. Remember, prevention is key, so take steps to safeguard your audio companions in the future to avoid such mishaps.*


1. Can I use Find My app to track AirPods if they are out of battery?
2. Will the AirPod that is lost still play sound even if it’s out of range?
3. Can I use Find My app on someone else’s iPhone if I’ve misplaced mine?
4. Are AirPods covered by Apple’s warranty if lost?
5. Can I track my AirPods using a non-Apple device?
6. How can I secure my AirPods from getting lost in the first place?

에어팟 분실

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