2024 연말정산 미리보기 및 모의계산 2024 year-end tax settlement preview and mock calculation

With the year-end tax settlement coming up soon, you may feel anxious and worried, wondering if there is anything else you need to do. If you do not take care of everything carefully, you may end up with a minus instead of a bonus in December, so please check the preview of year-end tax settlement and refund inquiry below.

연말정산 미리보기

연말정산 미리보기

Immediately check year-end tax refund



Year-end tax settlement preview How to view refund amount
Year-end tax settlement preview How to view refund amount

How to check year-end tax refund
Year-end tax refund inquiry order
Year-end tax settlement preview How to view refund amount
How to check year-end tax refund
The year-end tax settlement preview service began on October 31st. You can think of it as inputting the amount spent so far in October and the estimated amount spent from October to December, and the tax amount for year-end tax settlement in 2024 will be calculated. Please calculate the approximate amount and deduction amount and see how you can spend the remaining December to benefit your year-end tax settlement.


First of all, when you access Hometax, you can check the year-end tax settlement preview service banner. If you do not see the banner, you can calculate income, check deductions, and check salary in the following order.


Year-end tax refund inquiry order
Year-end tax refund inquiry order
Year-end tax refund inquiry order
① Select incentive, year-end tax settlement electronic donation

② Convenient year-end tax settlement

③ (For workers) Select year-end tax settlement preview


Year-end tax settlement preview How to view refund amount

First, you must log in to Hometax.

Calculate your income deduction
Calculate your income deduction
Select step 01 Calculate credit card income deduction as shown in the picture.

Year-end tax settlement payment statement, Load data
Year-end tax settlement statement, load data
① Select to load 2022 payment statement.

② Check the working period in 2023, enter the total salary amount as the annual ‘total salary’ amount in 2023, and click ‘Apply’.

③ Click Import credit card data.


Enter the expected amount for year-end settlement in December
Enter the expected amount for year-end settlement in December
This may be a bit of a hassle here. The card usage amount for January to September is entered, and for October to December, you must enter the estimated amount.
After entering, click ‘Calculate’.

After checking the tax amount, select step 2
After checking the tax amount, select step 2
Next, press step2.

Check total salary and tax amount already paid
Check total salary and tax amount already paid
Enter the total salary and the amount already paid by clicking Edit.
If there are any changes to the income deductions below, such as personal deductions, enter the changed information and click ‘Apply’.

Check year-end tax refund
Check year-end tax refund
In addition, if there are any changes to be made in deduction items such as pension savings, simply enter the changes and click ‘Apply’.
Once all information is entered, you can view the year-end tax refund (estimated tax amount) with the modifications reflected.

The amounts for October to December are not accurate because they are calculated based on estimated amounts. However, since you can roughly estimate the amount and decide on your future direction, please use the year-end tax settlement preview refund inquiry.