예스24 크레마클럽 해지 How to use the Yes 24 Book Club free of charge and how to cancel it

How to use the Yes 24 Book Club free of charge and how to cancel it
Since I spend a lot of time at home, I spend a lot of time reading books. Paper books are still more comfortable than e-books, but paper books tend to get bugs and take up too much volume if left for a long time, so these days, most people buy them as e-books. 예스24 크레마클럽 해지


예스24 크레마클럽 해지
Then, by chance, I discovered that Yes 24 also had a service similar to Millie’s study. When you first sign up, the first month is free. Find out how to use and how to cancel. 비지니스헬퍼


1. How to use the Yes24 book club for free for the first month
▼Search [Yes 24 Book Club Event] on Naver and connect to it.


▼If you click Join Yes 24 Book Club at the bottom, the first month is free when you first join the book club.


▼Select the rate plan you want and click the Start Book Club Now button. Since it supports various devices, you can read books on the device of your choice. Please note that the first month of free use is not available for the 99 plan.


▼After downloading the Yes 24 e-book viewer, click the book club at the bottom of the app and select the book you want to read.



2. How to cancel the Yes 24 book club

▼Click [my] on the yes24 home screen – Click [Manage Book Club Fee Plan]


▼If you make a cancellation reservation in advance, the payment will be canceled without payment on the due date. Please note that cancellation or cancellation is not possible on the day of the scheduled payment date. Therefore, if you plan to stop the service, it is better to make a cancellation reservation in advance.