우리은행 영업시간 및 ATM찾기 Woori Bank business hours and ATM finder

In order to use Woori Bank’s financial services, you often find a branch or find out its business hours. This is to avoid having to take time out of your busy schedule to visit Woori Bank, but it is closed and you have to visit it two or three times. In the information below, we will learn how to check Woori Bank branch branches and find business hours/contact information, etc.

우리은행 영업시간

우리은행 영업시간

※ [Table of Contents] Woori Bank Business Hours/Branches
⊙ 1. Find out business hours ☜
⊙ 2. Find out about sales branches ☜
⊙ 3. Internet banking/smart banking ☜

⊙ Woori Bank Frequently Asked Services/Problem Solving [Go]


Source: Mingom2.tistory.com


Find out Woori Bank’s business hours



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▶ Woori Bank business hours

Woori Bank’s current business hours for all branches are from 9:30 am to 3:30 pm from November 1, 2021. This is a one-hour shortened business hours to prevent the spread of COVID-19, and continues to this day in 2022. However, district office branches, court branch offices, immigration offices, and currency exchange offices are excluded.
※ Woori Bank business hours: Nationwide branches: 09:30 – 15:30 (weekdays)

Woori Bank’s lunch hour is usually from 11:30 a.m. to 1:30 p.m., but it may differ slightly depending on the bank branch. Even during lunch hours, you cannot do banking business. The tellers work in shifts, so you can do banking business after visiting Woori Bank during lunch hour. However, please note that the waiting lines may be longer than usual and may be more crowded during lunch hours due to shift shifts.
※ Woori Bank Lunch HourLunch Hour: 11:30 – 13:30 (Weekdays) <Varies by business branch>
※ Woori Bank frequently asked questions/problems

How to increase/change transfer limit ☜

Canceling a restricted account ☜

How to apply/cancel automatic transfer ☜



Woori Bank branch

▶ Go to Woori Bank homepage

You can easily search for a Woori Bank branch (sales office) near your home on the Woori Bank website without having to search hard to find a map. To check your nearest Woori Bank branch, please access the Woori Bank website through “Check a branch” below and then follow the Woori Bank branch search method below.

※ Find Woori Bank branch

Check sales branch


▶ Find the nearest Woori Bank branch

[▶Enlarge photo] Woori Bank-Business Hours-Business Branch-Find-Inquiry-Method-01.webp



[▲ View larger photo ▲]
Have you accessed the Woori Bank branch information website? On this page, you can easily find Woori Bank branch and contact information near your home, or check the location of automated corners (ATM/CD), etc. When searching for a Woori Bank branch, you can easily find a Woori Bank branch using the branch name, regional location, and map.