우체국 택배 보내는 법 How to send a courier to the post office

In the past, there were few couriers and there were no places to visit and send directly.
Since it is a post office, I used the post office a lot these days. 우체국 택배 보내는 법
You can also send a parcel from a convenience store, and if you make a reservation with a courier company, you can pick it up at the door.
It seems that the post office usage has also decreased significantly.
Still, there is a perception that post office delivery = safe and fast
Do you still use it a lot? 비지니스헬퍼
I’m trying to write down how to use the post office courier.

우체국 택배 보내는 법

In a word, it is the same as sending a letter.
Sending a letter, sending a registered letter, or sending a courier
The only difference is that the courier is sending the goods.

After safely packing the goods to be sent,
address and send
You can directly write the address on the mail that I packed (sender / recipient)
You can visit the post office and write your address on the address sheet provided.

Sometimes when I go to the post office, I bring some stuff, take a number ticket, and wait.
It’s your turn to go to the window
i want to send this There were people who said
After waiting for a long time, it was my turn to register.
If the package is not packaged and the address is not written down, the staff will be embarrassed..
It’s sad to see too…
In the case of the elderly, they ask the staff for help.
Of course, they will kindly help you when there are not many people, such as when you are free or at a post office in a free place.
In the case of busy places, there are many places where there is no room to help…

Most of the time, it’s easier to pack up and go at home.
Me too…
There may be no such thing as a box, but these days, they send a lot of couriers.
Things like that are packed in boxes.
If you look closely, there are no boxes
I recommend packing well in advance and going to the post office comfortably.

As I was writing it, I stumbled over and over again.
In conclusion, just wrap it well and write the address like a letter
It means that it is easy to receive courier. lol

Ah.. When writing a courier address, you just need to write down the address exactly.
Postal code is not required. If you know, it’s good to use it… but if you have the correct address
Search by address when registering…

In the case of fragile or expensive items, it may not be accepted.
You have to tell me when you register in advance (basically, they ask what the contents are)
In that case, can’t you compensate for the damage? I think this is unavoidable.
I’m also grateful for paying 45,000 won and shipping my items far away.
Or maybe I should have gone and delivered it myself.
It’s not just about delivering my stuff.
It was mixed with other things and loaded here and there.
I think damage is something the sender has to pack well and bear with it.


<Source: Online post office reception & middot; window parcel> Usage information> Fee information (epost.go.kr)>

However, it seems to be safer and faster than other places.
You can easily come and visit
Post office is preferred for second-hand transactions
I think the recipient would prefer the post office too… There is such a thing haha

Oh, there are registered parcels and regular parcels in the rate plan above.
You can just think of ordinary courier as a registered parcel.
In places where there is an unmanned postal reception machine, there are cases where ordinary people mistake it for a regular parcel and receive it.
You can think of general parcel as regular mail.
I can’t look it up, I don’t know where it’s going, I just put it in the mailbox like a letter…
It’s big, so if it doesn’t fit in the mailbox, I’ll just put it under the mailbox…?