원숭이 꿈해몽 ABC1 :: Monkey dream interpretation, find out the monkey dream interpretation by situation.

원숭이 꿈해몽I will tell you about monkey dream interpretation and monkey dream interpretation according to the situation.
A dream of seeing a dead monkey
is an interpretation that you should be especially careful with your words and actions, as you may lose your honor or make a big mistake and suffer damage.
A dream of being ridiculed by a group of monkeys in the jungle
is an interpretation that you will have a rival appear in some work and suffer.

A dream of seeing monkeys fighting each other
is an interpretation that you will enjoy cultural activities or be scolded by someone who interferes with your work.
A dream of a monkey escaping and running away
is an interpretation that you will have a secret or information leaked or that your child will run away and become a burden.

A dream of watching a monkey perform a trick
is an interpretation that you will gain a position or financial gain, but it is an interpretation that you may have conflicts or fights.
A dream of a monkey looking straight at you
is an interpretation that you will have a fight with a cunning person or be insulted. If a monkey looks down from above, the dream means

the person you broke up with is always hovering around you.

A dream of a monkey wearing human clothes

means that the work you have worked hard for will come to fruition and you will see the results, or that your parents will be happy because of your child.

A dream of seeing monkeys fighting

means that you will fight over trivial matters between a couple or friends.
A dream of a monkey talking to a person

means that the love or friendship between a couple or friends will cool down, and that things will go well if you suppress your pride and approach first.

A dream of seeing a monkey climbing a tall tree
means that the results you expected will come true, that you will gain profit, that your life will be stable, and that you will rise in status.
A dream of seeing a monkey climbing a high place
means that the work you are doing will go well.
A dream of a monkey falling from a tree
means that it is difficult to expect results commensurate with the effort you put in, and that you will only waste your energy on useless things.

The dream of seeing a monkey’s ear fall off
is interpreted as a severing of ties with a person with a bad temper.
The dream of eating a monkey’s ear
is interpreted as a rise in status, a prosperous business, or a happy event in the family.
The dream of someone you know turning into a monkey
is interpreted as a dream in which you have hostility toward that person and are ignoring them.

Above, I have organized the monkey dream interpretation and monkey dream interpretation by situation. Dreams are just dreams, and I hope you understand that a good dream is a day in a good mood and a bad dream is a day in which you spend the day a little more cautiously, and spend each day with a happy heart.

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