음주운전 면허취소 구제 Success stories of drunk driving license revocation (electric kickboard, middle school teachers) > Success stories | Seowon Administration Office

음주운전 면허취소 구제success story

1. Basic Facts

On the day of the incident, at around 20:25, the claimant was walking home after drinking at a restaurant near his home with two acquaintances while walking home, accidentally found a public electric kickboard parked on the roadside, and was caught in a drunken crackdown while riding and moving. As a person whose license was revoked due to a blood alcohol content of 0.081%, the claimant was working as a music teacher at a middle school in Gyeonggi-do at the time of the incident.

2. In this office, after accepting the case from the client, the administrative adjudication is requested immediately.

Therefore, after accepting the case from the client (claimant), our office prepared an administrative appeal request and submitted it to the Central Administrative Appeals Commission. The specific details are:
– The claimant is a middle school music teacher and a member of the local orchestra, and it is impossible to move a large brass instrument weighing about 10 kg by public transportation.
– It takes about 50 minutes by car (one way) from home to school, but it takes about 1 hour and 50 minutes by public transportation
– No history of drunk driving, traffic accidents, or violations of traffic laws for about 18 years and 11 months after obtaining a driver’s license
– The fact that even at a considerable age, he is unable to get married due to economic difficulties
– The blood alcohol level is 0.081%, and the distance traveled is about 500m, which is relatively minor.
– The fact that the petitioner is deeply remorseful and reflecting on this case, etc.
I have prepared and submitted a claim to the effect that I want all circumstances and extenuating circumstances.

3. Conclusion – The Administrative Appeals Committee cited the claim, and the one-year period for license cancellation was reduced to 110 days for license suspension.

Then, the Administrative Appeals Committee, after carefully reviewing the above claims of this office, accepted all of the office’s claims, canceled the decision to cancel the driver’s license to the claimant, and reduced the license suspension to 110 days, so the final remedy was successful.

20 years of driver’s license relief, Doctor of Laws, Administrator Lee Jang-young
He is the best veteran expert in driver’s license salvage.

↓↓↓ If you click the file below, you can see the re-decision.
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Seowon Administration Office
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TEL : 02-595-8006
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Business Registration Number: 520-05-02074 Mail-order Sales Report: No. 2021-Seoul Yangcheon-0553
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음주운전 면허취소 구제
