이름으로 사람찾기 Searching for people by name

Searching for people by name

I’m also busy with my life, so I ended up contacting two friends through Cyworld. I didn’t get in touch at once, I found a friend on Cyworld and left a message in the guestbook and sent a note, and it wasn’t until a few months later that I got a call.

이름으로 사람찾기

Of course, I lost contact with the friends I reached out to, so I’m still not in touch, but I think there’s no doubt that there’s a way to find my friends at the time.

이름으로 사람찾기

About 10 to 12 years ago, I used Cyworld the most, and I’m not sure if there was Facebook or Instagram at that time, but Cyworld was the mainstream in Korea at the time.


At the time, there was a time when KakaoTalk was not available, and even after KakaoTalk came out, it took about 1-2 years for smartphones to become popular, so I remember using text messages on my cell phone and NateOn on my PC.


Cyworld people search was previously possible only on PC, but now it is not possible on PC, and it is possible only by downloading the Cyworld application on mobile.


How to find people on Cyworld


How to find people on Cyworld

1. Enter Cyworld into the market suitable for your mobile phone (Android and iPhone), search for it, and install it.

2. You can log in by entering your Cyworld ID and password. In the case of Nate email, I remember that I had to enter only the ID without entering the email address.

3. Click the menu button on the top left and click Find People.

4. You can search by entering your name, mobile phone number, and email. I tried entering Hong Gil-dong, a name used as an example in government offices.


Were there so many people in the world with the name Hong Gil-dong? Actually, I think that his name is not Hong Gil-dong, but he just entered his name as Hong Gil-dong.


In the past, it was a name (first name), but those people are not my first cousin, so should we see it as a name (nickname) now? I don’t know why Hong Gil-dong is written in parentheses next to Hong Gil-dong because I don’t play Cyworld.


5. For reference, if there are too many results when you enter your name, mobile phone number, and email, you can view the results by selecting your date of birth and gender.


It seems like it would be easy to search because you can specify the date of birth roughly as a range rather than entering it precisely, but I think it would have been better if you could search up to the date of birth if you knew the exact date of birth.

6. I searched for 010-0000-0000, but when I saw that the names of Psana were a combination of English, numbers, and special symbols that could not be seen as human names, I thought that they might be multiple ghost accounts created for some task.


If the mobile phone number has not changed, it will appear as a result if it is the same as the number registered in the account. Seems to.