이마트 재고조회 및 고객센터 알아보기 Check E-Mart inventory and learn about customer service

How to easily check E-Mart’s offline inventory at home
Recently, a game called ‘Hogwarts Legacy’ was released. However, when I checked to buy the game online, it said that it would not be shipped right away, but rather after a while. While trying to check items offline, I thought of the Electro Mart in E-Mart. However, when I wanted to buy something at E-Mart, I thought it would be a good idea to check whether the product was in stock or not. It takes about 30 minutes to go from home to E-Mart, so if you go there and don’t have any items, you’ll be out of luck.

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이마트 재고조회

So I looked and found that there was a way to easily check the inventory of items sold at E-Mart from home.

First, download and install the E-Mart app and log in.
It must be the ‘E-Mart’ app, not the ‘E-Mart Mall’ app. Then the

Set up your favorite store.
Afterwards, search for the item in the E-Mart app search window. For example, if you search for ‘Hogwarts Legacy’

E-Mart inventory inquiry
In this way, you will get results as to whether or not the product is in stock at your favorite store. If you look at the current results, it says ‘Temporarily out of stock’.
So, do other stores have it? To check other store search results, click ‘Temporarily out of stock’ above. Then, it will say that the product is currently out of stock and advise you to visit the store to check in detail.

If you look below, you will find ‘Check inventory at other stores’. If you press it,

E-Mart inventory inquiry
In this way, you can check whether your favorite store has stock at a nearby store. All three stores near my favorite store show that they do not have ‘Hogwarts Legacy’ products.

E-Mart inventory inquiry
‘Product Search Service’ inventory information can be checked when logging in to the E-Mart app and setting up a regular store.
Available from 8 am to 11 pm.
In the case of some fresh foods sold by weight in 100g units, inventory information is not displayed due to their nature.

This service is not a feature that has been around for a long time, but has been implemented since September 21, 2022.

I hope you find this useful when you want to check whether there is a product you want to buy at E-Mart.