인스타 줄바꿈 Instagram line change + iPhone tips

인스타 줄바꿈Search for “Instablank.com” on the portal.

Click “Change Instagram Line” that appears on the screen.

Just write whatever you want.
I clicked on the smiling emoticon in the fourth and tried inserting a cute emoticon as well.

Click Auto Convert and then Copy.
The save button is a feature that requires a separate subscription to use, and I don’t think it’s really necessary, so I just use “copy.”

**If you want to write down the first line as well, please leave the first line blank here!

Go to Create a new Instagram post, paste it, and share it. That’s it.

How about this? It came out pretty, right? I think line breaks are easier to read and look good too.

If you are tired of using that site every time, try using this method. This bug is only available on iPhones, but it is said that there are slight differences depending on the model. I’m using an iPhone 8 and it works fine.

First, please write down what you want.
Use the Enter key to display the sentence that requires a line break.
Then enter “123” after that sentence.
When you are finished writing, delete the “123” you entered earlier.
Let me show you a picture.

Did you follow along well up to this point?

The line breaks like this.
Unfortunately, the first line is not downwritten. If you want to also write down the first line, you can use blank.com as mentioned above.

Actually, I don’t enjoy Instagram, but I introduced it because I thought I might use it someday if I knew about it. I don’t know why line breaks don’t work on Instagram itself. It’s really annoying, isn’t it? Still, if you want to post a post that is easy to read and emotional, I hope you will take the hassle and use it at least once.
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인스타 줄바꿈
