자전거도로의 구분 Classification of bicycle roads – Bike Chosun

자전거도로의 구분Input : 2015.03.24 14:53

In the 「Road Traffic Act」, “bicycle road” refers to the part of the road that is demarcated with safety signs, hazard prevention fences, or similar structures to be used for bicycle traffic. The classification of bicycle roads was classified into bicycle-only roads, bicycle-pedestrian combined-use roads, and bicycle-only lanes in Article 3 of the existing Act on the Promotion of Bicycle Use. However, in the revision of the Act on the Promotion of Bicycle Use (January 2014), a bicycle-priority road type was added that allows bicycles and cars to pass together on some sections of roads with low traffic volume.
The classification of bicycle roads according to the revised bicycle law is as follows.
1. Bicycle lanes
Bicycle roads that are separated from roads and sidewalks by separators, boundary stones, and other similar facilities so that only bicycles can pass
2. Combination roads for bicycles and pedestrians
Bicycle roads that are separated from roads or installed separately by separators, boundary stones, and other similar facilities so that pedestrians as well as bicycles can pass
3. Bicycle lanes
A certain part of the roadway is designated as a lane for bicycles only and is separated from the lanes used by other vehicles by means of safety signs or road markings.
4. Bicycle Priority Road
Bicycle roads are installed with road markings on the road so that bicycles and other vehicles can safely pass each other by determining some sections and lanes of roads where the traffic volume of vehicles is less than the standards prescribed by Presidential Decree.
Related LawsRoad Traffic LawAct on Vitalization of Bicycle Use

자전거도로의 구분
