전입세대 열람내역서 발급 Issuance of transfer household reading statement

This time, I received a stepping stone loan from the bank to pay the balance before moving into the apartment, and the bank asked for a statement of reading the moving house. So, as a result of looking into the Minwon 24 site to get the transfer household reading statement issued online, I found out that it can only be issued when visiting. Haa.. I don’t know why I have to go and get this issued when all of them are issued on the Internet. Maybe it’s because it’s a financial document.. It’s annoying. lol


Well, for that reason, I visited once and found out about issuing a transfer household reading statement. Once you visit, you do not need any other documents, but you will need to bring your ID. 전입세대 열람내역서 발급


전입세대 열람내역서 발급



Reception and processing agencies can receive and process at Si, Gun, Gu and Eup, Myeon, and Dong branch offices. 좋은뉴스 






I just need to tell you what documents you need to submit, but I don’t know why they tell you what documents you don’t have to submit. lol





This is how to fill out the front side of the application form for resident registration and move-in household inspection. Fill in the information of the applicant marked in red, the location of the object to be viewed, its use and purpose, and proof materials. At the bottom, the applicant’s information and signature.





On the back side, write the name and date of birth of the consenter on the personal information display consent form of the person to be viewed by the move-in household and sign it.





In addition to financial-related documents such as loans, the moving-in household reading statement is also widely used in real estate auctions. One important fact here is that the move-in household inspection statement attached to the documents related to the real estate auction is for simple reference only, and the court is not responsible for any incorrect entries. Therefore, those who want to participate in real estate auctions should check for themselves so that they will not be disadvantaged.