주거안정월세대출 Find out who is eligible for support and how to apply for housing stability monthly rent loan (in case of pure monthly rent loan) – Infonara


We provide information on welfare services.

Housing Stability Monthly Rent Loan is a financial welfare service that provides housing rental funds to ensure housing stability for social classes with a high monthly rent burden, such as those who are new to society.
Preferential treatment: job seekers, new workers, Hope Growth Account subscribers, recipients of work incentives, recipients of child incentives, recipients of housing benefits.
General type: Couple with combined annual income of 50 million won or less
Residential buildings with a rental area of ​​85㎡ or less (100㎡ in towns and villages other than urban areas excluding the metropolitan area) (including residential officetels of 85㎡ or less)
Rent deposit less than 100 million won, monthly rent less than 600,000 won

Weekly loan limit: up to KRW 9.6 million (maximum KRW 400,000 per month)
*For housing benefit recipients, the housing benefit amount is excluded from the loan limit.
The loan limit for each collateral follows the guarantee regulations of the Korea Housing Finance Corporation loan guarantee.
The loan interest rate is 1.0%p for the preferential type and 1.5%p for the general type.
*Additional interest will be charged to those who are not subject to the asset test.

You can apply for a loan through the Housing and Urban Fund’s Internet loan application website (Fund e Deunden) or by visiting a handling bank.
Apply for monthly rental loan

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Find out who is eligible for support and how to apply for a support deposit loan (for lease and monthly rent deposit loans)
Find out who is eligible for employment and child incentives and how to apply.
Find out who is eligible for child allowance support and how to apply
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