중소기업 청년 전세대출 Small and medium-sized business youth jeonse loan 2023 conditions and application method Tips for selecting 80~100% – TYNEWS

중소기업 청년 전세대출TYNEWS

This policy, called Small and Medium Business Administration Jeonse Loan 2023 for short, is managed by the Housing and Urban Fund and is a policy to support lease funds for young people working at small and medium-sized companies. It has the best benefits and interest rates among the existing youth jeonse loan products. If you are a young person from a small business who is about to move, this is a must-read!
※It is said that the youth jeonse loan for small and medium-sized businesses, which was known to end this year, will be extended by two years until December 2023. Updated to reflect the latest information in May 23.
The loan interest rate is a fixed rate of 1.2%, and if the loan conditions are not met during the second extension, the interest rate of the support jeonse loan will be applied.
Depending on the guarantor institution, the loan limit can be either 80% or 100% of the rental deposit, and the maximum limit is 100 million won. If the period of employment is less than one year, the limit is limited to 20 million won or less. While the average rental deposit for other jeonse loans is 80%, this policy allows up to 100%.
The loan period is 2 years in the initial contract and can be extended 4 times, up to a maximum of 10 years. After using it for up to 10 years, theoretically, at the time of extension, 2 additional years can be added for each minor child, up to a maximum of 20 years.
There are many documents for small and medium-sized youth jeonse loans, so you must carefully prepare them.
Loans of up to 100 million won are divided into 80% and 100% of the jeonse funds. To receive a 100% loan of up to 100 million won, you must write a guarantee and receive registration from the landlord.
Because it is a hassle, it is important to get along well with your landlord. The role of real estate brokers is important. These days, most real estate agents are aware of this policy, so if you visit the real estate agent and ask them to find it, they will help you!
There is 100% for sale, but it is not easy to find. Finding 80% properties is easier.
If you visit the bank and request a preliminary asset screening to see if you can get a loan, you will receive a text message confirming your eligibility.
Banks available for loans: Woori Bank, Kookmin Bank, Industrial Bank of Korea, Nonghyup Bank, Shinhan Bank
This is the step of writing a contract and depositing a down payment. Loan confirmation may be delayed, so it is best to schedule the balance payment date with plenty of time.
You must deposit 5% of the down payment with your own money. The important thing here is to include an item asking for the down payment to be returned in case the contract is canceled due to a loan failure!
You must report the fact of moving to the local competent authority, confirm the date of signing the real estate contract, receive a stamp in the margin of the contract, and submit it.
If the building owner is a corporation, bank submission documents are added.
If you pass the document submission, the bank will deposit the deposit directly to the landlord. If it is 80%, you can deposit the difference, and if it is 100%, you can receive a 5% down payment from the bank.
If you receive a 100% loan, a survey will be conducted to determine if you are the actual resident after moving. Be sure to check carefully to avoid cancellation!
Currently, the number of properties eligible for the policy is rapidly decreasing due to those extending the small and medium-sized business youth jeonse loan in May 2021 for a two-year cycle in May 2021 or due to the end of the policy in 2021. Please refer to it and prepare.
If you want to move after two years, you have to go to a new house. 80% of homes are easy to find. If you have spare funds, it is a good idea to take out a loan of about 80%. The reason will be explained below.
If you are looking for a 100% house, you will need the consent of the landlord. This is only possible if the mortgage is less than 60%. For example, if the deposit for the house you want is 200 million, the 100% condition is impossible if the landlord borrowed more than 120 million using the house as collateral.
If you want to buy a house that is 100% available for sale, it is important to check whether there is a 100% available house in real estate.
🔍But 100% is not always good. Even if you want to move during the contract period due to unavoidable circumstances, it is impossible to do so. Moreover, even if you move after two years, you can only find a house that meets the 100% conditions. Since it is difficult to find a property for sale due to the strict conditions, it is a good idea to only get a loan of about 80% if you have spare funds.
This article was about the conditions and application method for the Small and Medium Business Youth Jeonse Loan 2023. Please refer to this article and hope it helps.
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중소기업 청년 전세대출
