직장인 건강검진 대상자 조회 Am I this year? How to look up health checkup recipients

직장인 건강검진 대상자 조회By Kim Yun-seok, reporter
2022.10.07 20:10:53
Today, we will guide you on how to check the health checkup target. The National Health Insurance Service conducts free health checkups every year by dividing the last digit of the birth year into odd and even numbers.
In 2022, those with an ‘even’ number at the end of the year of birth are eligible for free health checkups.
Most of those who are 20 years old or older and whose year of birth ends in an even number are eligible for free health checkups.
However, in the case of employee subscribers, office workers must receive a health checkup once every two years, and non-office workers at least once a year.
Free examination in 2022
local subscriber
A person born in an even number at the end of the year of birth among the head of the household and a member of the household aged 20 or older
20 years of age or older, born with an even number at the end of the year of birth
employee subscriber
All non-office workers, those who are eligible for office work according to the biennial system (list of eligible persons sent to the business site) *Non-office workers: once a year, office workers: once every two years
Medical benefit recipient
19-64 years of age, born with an even number at the end of the year of birth
Among those subject to health check-up, ‘office workers’ refers to workers engaged in office work such as general affairs, personnel affairs, accounting, sales, and design, and ‘non-office workers’ refers to all others.
In other words, if the main job is mental work, it is ‘office worker’, and if the main job is physical work, it is ‘non-office worker’.
desk job
Workers engaged in office work such as general affairs, human resources, accounting, sales, and design in an office, such as academy instructors, kindergarten teachers, designers, hotel, and restaurant receptionists
non-office job
All other workers, such as simple labor workers, machine operators, direct sales workers, flight attendants, hairdressers, doctors, nurses, bank tellers, training instructors, insurance solicitors, etc.
All workplaces with full-time workers are required to conduct employee health checkups. For office workers, once every two years, for non-office workers, once a year. In case of violation, fines are imposed.
If the health checkup is not received by the end of December without any special reason, the company will be fined up to 10 million won, and the worker will be fined up to 150,000 won depending on the number of violations.
1 offense
2 violations
3 violations
office worker fines
50 thousand won
100,000 won
150 thousand won
Please note that cancer screening is free of charge if you are over 40 years of age among those eligible for health checkup.
stomach cancer/breast cancer
cervical cancer
liver cancer
colorectal cancer
checkup age
Age 40 or older/High-risk group for liver cancer
Health checkup candidates can be confirmed at the National Health Insurance Corporation, and can be confirmed with simple authentication. However, you cannot use the site without logging in with a certificate. Please use Chrome or Internet Explorer 10 or higher.
If a person who is obligated to undergo a health checkup does not receive a health checkup for no reason, a fine of up to KRW 150,000 may be imposed, so it is recommended to check the subject in advance and receive a checkup. You can check whether or not you are eligible for free, and besides looking up eligible people, you can also look up hospitals and examination periods, so please refer to them.
At the end of the year, there are a lot of people doing health checkups, so it’s a good idea to make a reservation at a health checkup hospital in advance and visit to get a health checkup when you have time.
Cancer screening that is possible according to your age is a must! If you have received a cancer test and are eligible for a cancer test, it would be better to search for a hospital that can screen for cancer in advance and make a reservation before going.
Please familiarize yourself with the precautions before the checkup so that you can receive a health checkup safely and healthily.
Find out more welfare information
[Welfare system] – Let’s self-diagnose the eligibility requirements and application qualifications for basic livelihood security recipients
[Welfare system] – Housing benefit application qualifications and self-diagnosis method
[Welfare system] – Basic old-age pension eligibility and application method, self-diagnosis
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직장인 건강검진 대상자 조회
