차량기준가액 3 ways to check vehicle standard value: Hunmin Ilbo

차량기준가액Therefore, we will look at the vehicle standard value that is the standard when calculating car insurance premiums and how to check it in the following order.
It is the most basic standard that indicates the value of a car. The vehicle standard value is expressed in money as the value of the vehicle designated by the country, not the general individual.
Another word for vehicle standard price is also called vehicle market price. This refers to the vehicle value that is the standard used to calculate the current price of a vehicle.
As we briefly looked at at the beginning, this is the amount based on the launch price and year of delivery of the new car and applying depreciation costs according to the model year. The older the car is and the lower the engine displacement, the lower the car’s value. In other words, the current value of the car can be seen as the car’s price, and you should be careful that it is not the same as the price at the time of purchasing the car (new car).
The reason why vehicle value is important is because it is an important indicator when buying or selling a used car, but it is also based on the social security vehicle standard value when applying for a subscription or receiving government or local government subsidies. In particular, since the value of the vehicle is part of my assets, if I have a lot of assets, my income is also set high and I may be excluded from applying for public rental housing.
Therefore, when applying for a subscription, it is necessary to check with the vehicle standard price whether it meets the asset and income standards. If so, let’s take a look at how to check the value of a car and how to check the value of a passenger car below.
Before looking at how to check the value of a vehicle, it is good to know that the value of a vehicle is calculated based on the vehicle standard value determined by the Minister of Health and Welfare. You can check the vehicle value in three places below.
However, if you want to check the car value for subscription purposes, etc., we recommend that you check it on the Korea Insurance Development Institute or Bokbo website. The reason is that the Seoul Housing and Communities Corporation selects subscription winners by receiving data through the Korea Social Security Information Service, and also because the site operated by the Korea Social Security Information Service is Bokboro.

The way to check the value of a vehicle at the National Tax Service is to use the National Tax Service’s Hometax Vehicle Value Inquiry website. If you enter the car name and the format number of the car registration certificate and click Search, the standard price will appear along with the attribution year, manufacturer, and car name.
In the case of the National Tax Service’s Hometax vehicle value inquiry, you can check the value of a non-commercial passenger car, and the standard price of the car can also be searched on the Ministry of the Interior and Safety website.

You can check the insurance company’s vehicle value through the Korea Insurance Development Institute’s vehicle value inquiry website. To use it, you can select the base year and month, then select the manufacturer, vehicle model, vehicle name classification, vehicle year, vehicle name classification, and detailed classification in order, and then check the insurance company’s vehicle value through the search button.

Another term for the Social Security Vehicle Standard Value is the Ministry of Health and Welfare Vehicle Standard Value. Therefore, you can check it on the welfare service simulation calculation page. You can check the vehicle standard value by selecting ‘Social Security Vehicle Standard Value (Check)’ in the vehicle value section in the center of the welfare service simulation calculation homepage.
There is a way to directly calculate the vehicle standard price using the standard vehicle market price table announced by the local government. Taking Seoul as an example, you can check the Seoul Metropolitan City standard market price table (vehicle standard price table). You can download the standard vehicle market value PDF, search for the vehicle model you want to inquire, and then look up the residual value (depreciation).
So far, we have looked at three ways to check the vehicle value. It will be of great help to calculate the required vehicle standard value according to the situation by referring to the above method.
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