차상위계층 증명서 발급 조회하기 Inquire about issuance of certificates for the next higher class

Summary of conditions and benefits for the next upper class
차상위계층 증명서
If you are selected as the second-upper class, you can receive various benefits. Everyone wants to live affluent lives, but most of their circumstances do not. However, I think it can be a stepping stone to rise to the upper middle class through efforts to find and find out the benefits for the low-income class.

차상위계층 증명서

The next-income group does not qualify as a basic livelihood security recipient, but is classified as a vulnerable group in need of government livelihood support. If you fall under the conditions of the second-upper class, you can receive various benefits supported by the government. In this article, we will introduce the conditions and benefits of the second-upper class in 2023, how to apply, and information about certificates. Even if you do not qualify as a basic livelihood security recipient, if you are curious about whether you are included in the next upper class, please read the information below carefully.

2023 conditions for the next upper class

The condition of the second highest class refers to those who earn less than 50% of the median income. Median income refers to the median value of national household income announced by the Minister of Health and Welfare through deliberation and resolution by the Central Livelihood Security Committee to be used as a standard for wages. Median income changes by year if it depends on the number of people in the household. In 2023, the median income of 50% is 1,038,946 won for one-person households, 1,728,077 won for two-person households, 2,217,408 won for three-person households, 2,700,482 won for four-person households, 3,165,344 won for five-person households, and 3,613,990 won for six-person households. To qualify for Secondary Assistance, you must meet the income threshold of 50% or less of the median income.

2023 benefits for the next upper class

If you are not a basic livelihood recipient, you may think that there will not be many benefits because you can receive benefits from the next upper class. The benefits that the government supports for the lower class are really diverse. Broadly speaking, there are livelihood support, medical support, housing support, educational support, care support, cultural support, and legal support, and detailed support benefits are as follows.

We support the basic pension for the elderly in the second-upper class and support the asset formation support project for the youth. In addition, for those with disabilities, disability allowance, disabled child allowance, support for the issuance of a diagnosis certificate for evaluating the degree of disability, support for examination costs, and disability pension are supported.

In addition, life benefits include discounts on grain, support for diapers and powdered milk, reduction of communication rates for the next-to-lower class, education content data rate support project, discounts on electricity rates, reduction of city gas rates, reduction of heat rates, etc. Financial support includes microfinance and credit recovery You may receive benefits such as commission debt restructuring. In addition to this, if you become the second-upper class, you can receive benefits related to health and medical expenses, scholarships and care for children, and cultural vouchers. For detailed information on benefits for the next-highest class, you can access the Welfare Road website and check it out.

2023 application for the next upper class

If you are eligible for support from the lower class, you may be wondering how to apply because you can receive various benefits. In general, there is no need to apply in person for applications from the next-upper class because each local government surveys the eligible people and selectively notifies those who fall under this category.

If you do not receive a notice, you can apply online by accessing the Welfare Road website or by visiting the eup, myeon, or dong community service center in your area of residence. Documents required for application include identification, proof of income and property, debt certificate, copy of bankbook, etc. Once you apply, you will be selected based on your property, income, and ability to work, and you will be able to see the results within a month.

2023 Next Upper Class Certificate

If the application for the next upper class is completed, the certificate can be issued. Certificate issuance can also be printed by accessing the Welfare website. You can access the Bokbokro website, click the next-upper class certificate issuance application menu, agree to the use of personal information, and go through the identity verification process before issuing a next-upper class certificate. Secondary class certificates can be issued for purposes such as financial institutions, educational institutions, and public institutions. Please check the purpose of use before applying for issuance and apply.

Above, we checked the support target through the second-class conditions in 2023, and looked at the benefits, application method, and application issuance method together. As there are so many types of benefits, please check them more carefully and, if applicable, be sure to receive support.
[Source] Certificate of how to apply for benefits for the next upper class in 2023 | Author’s unconscious