차상위계층 증명서 발급 Issuance of certificates for the next upper class

Here is how to issue the 2022 second-class certificate and second-class confirmation.

How to issue a certificate of the next higher class
How to issue a certificate of the next higher class

Issuance of certificate/confirmation for the next higher class
There are two ways to issue a certificate/confirmation for the next higher class. First of all, it is possible to visit the eup, myeon-dong community center in the jurisdictional address and issue a certificate of the next upper class through the Welfare-ro website.

Internet issuance of certificates for the next upper class 차상위계층 증명서 발급
You can apply for online issuance of certificates for the second-class class on the Welfare-ro website. First, access the Welfare-ro website (https://www.bokjiro.go.kr/). Prepare a joint certificate and financial certificate because you need to log in through personal authentication.

1. Service application > Issuance of certificate, verification of authenticity > Issuance of certificate 좋은뉴스

2. In the certificate issuance window, click the application for issuance of the next higher class confirmation in the fourth column of the issuance service.

Issuance of certificate for welfare
Issuance of certificate for welfare

차상위계층 증명서 발급

3. Select your name, resident registration number, phone number, mobile phone number, and the most important use in the application for confirmation from the next higher class, and enter the submission address. You just need to fill in the appropriate fields for the purpose of submission and the place of submission.

Fill out the application for confirmation of the next higher class
Fill out the application form for confirmation of the next higher class
4. After filling out the application form properly, click Apply for Issuance and print it to complete the issuance of the confirmation of the next higher class.

The article below is the benefits of the next higher class and the conditions for the next higher class. See if you are eligible for the second upper class in 2022