청년층 신용상승 지원 신청방법 및 지원자격 How to apply for credit increase support for young people and eligibility

Today, young people’s credit recovery

Introducing support projects that help.

Youth credit recovery support project

The credit growth support project for young people with the Credit Card Social Contribution Foundation creates a foundation for increasing credit scores through credit management education and credit welfare consulting for young people who are faithfully using microcredit (check) cards. Encouragement is paid according to the rise.

subject to apply

A young person (age 39 or younger) who is using a small credit (check) card or deferred payment transportation check card (Industrial Bank, Shinhan Card) among credit recovery sincere repayment patients

Grant payment process



청년층 신용상승 지원 신청방법

청년층 신용상승 지원 신청방법


1. Selection of recipients of the Youth Credit Rise Support Project

2. A lump sum payment of KRW 100,000 to the confirmed target

3. Use credit welfare consulting (credit helper or credit consulting) supported by the Credit Recovery Committee at least once and complete credit management training at the Credit Education Center

4. At the end of the project, credit score and credit welfare consulting are checked, and credit increase subsidy of 300,000 won (those whose credit score has increased by 20 points or more)

How to apply

You can apply from the Mobile Credit Recovery Committee app.


1. Only young people under the age of 39 who are using a microcredit (check) card issued in conjunction with the Credit Recovery Commission or a deferred payment transportation check card can apply.

2. Comparing and contrasting the credit score based on the date the project is confirmed and the credit score based on the date the project ends, the second subsidy is provided only to those who have increased their credit score by at least 20 points from KCB or NICE. Applicants for the support project cannot apply twice.)

3. You must have an account in your name to apply for and pay incentives.

Even if you are in the middle of personal debt adjustment, personal workout, or have completed repayment of confirmed debt, issuing a card is very difficult.

The Credit Recovery Committee helps those who are faithfully repaying their debts and those who have completed their repayments get a check card or small-amount credit card issued.

If you are using the issued card normally, you can apply for the credit rise support project.

If you install the Mobile Credit Recovery Committee app and apply as described above, you can check if you are eligible and apply.

100,000 won is paid in a lump sum to those subject to confirmation, and an additional 300,000 won is paid if the credit score rises by 20 points or more with help such as education and consulting according to the progress.

This project is only available on mobile.

In addition to this business, there are various programs for debt repayment by the Credit Recovery Committee and businesses supported by faithful repayers, so if you are worried about debt, it would be nice to consult.
[Source] Credit Recovery Committee Youth Credit Rise Support Project|Author Geumi