청소년증 발급방법 How to issue a youth card

Just like an adult’s ID card, a youth ID card can prove the identity of a minor. Youth ID cards are issued to youth between the ages of 9 and 18, and are valid until the day before they turn 19.

청소년증 발급방법

청소년증 발급방법

While a student ID is an ID card that shows that you are a student at a school, a youth ID card is a public ID card for both youth inside and outside of school.


Also, unlike a student ID, it contains your resident registration number, so it can be useful as an ID for various tests such as the College Scholastic Ability Test, qualification exam, and driver’s license test, as well as for bank transactions.



Youth card benefits

In addition to serving as a public identification card, the youth ID card also provides preferential discounts for youth. It not only provides cultural benefits such as performances and museums, but also serves as a transportation card and prepaid card.


◈Preferential discount benefits for youth

-Discount on public transportation fares -20-40% discount on buses (excluding express buses) and subways

-10~30% discount on rail fares

-Cultural activity benefits

-Museums, art galleries, parks: Fee exemption or approximately 50% discount

-Palaces and tombs: 50% discount

-Performance venue (in-house planned performance): discount of approximately 30-50%

-Natural Recreational Forest: 40% discount

-Amusement park: around 30~50% discount

-Movie theater: 1,000 discount etc.


※Discount rates vary depending on the region and institution, so please check the discount benefits in advance before using.※



The transportation card function is not required, and payment and recharge can be made at affiliated stores of transportation card companies.


Apply for youth card


There are two ways to apply for a youth card: self-application and proxy application. After registering at a nearby community center or through the Happy e-eum system, you can receive it in person or by registering it.


◈Application process

-Youth or a representative can apply

-Choose in-person pickup or registered pickup (applicant’s fee for registration is borne)


The issuance fee is free, and applications can be made at the nearest town/myeon/dong community center anywhere in the country (regardless of address).



◈Required documents

-Issuance application form and 1 photo (half business card size 3×4)

-Issuance application forms are available at each community center.

-Proof of agent when applying as agent


If you visit the community center to get a youth ID card, they will explain how to fill out the application form.


Like the resident registration card, the issuance confirmation can be used as a temporary youth ID card until the youth ID card is issued. As with the youth ID card, one additional photo is required for the issuance confirmation.


If you need a certificate of issuance, prepare two photos.


Application for reissuance of youth ID card

To reissue a youth ID card, you can visit the community center in person or apply online through the Welfare website, just as you applied for the first issuance.


However, a public certificate is required for online application. Additionally, if you lose your youth ID card with the transportation card function, the card’s remaining balance cannot be refunded.



Welfare website → Apply for civil service service → Apply for youth card

Just as it is illegal to lend or transfer your ID card to others, you should never lend your youth ID card to others.


Anyone who rents or transfers a youth ID card, or uses a certificate with the same name or symbol as the youth ID card, may be subject to a fine of up to 500,000 won.