침대 매트리스 청소방법 Bed cleaning, mattress cleaning method, mattress care method, coway mattress care service

침대 매트리스 청소방법One of the most unprotected spaces in our home is the bed. While you are in bed, sweat and saliva that you shed while you sleep permeate the mattress. Therefore, mites that like such an environment, dust that is inevitable from being still, dead skin cells and hair from people stay on the mattress. However, the story of bed cleaning and bed management is very unfamiliar. Today, we will learn about one of the spaces where we stay the most, bed and mattress cleaning, maintenance methods, and mattress care services.

Personal care and cleaning methods

1. Place a mattress cover on top of the mattress spread and use.
Putting a mattress cover on top and using a mattress spread over it can slow down the rate at which your mattress gets dirty. Regular washing of spreads and covers will also help keep your mattress a little more manageable.

2. Sprinkle baking soda on the mattress and vacuum it after a certain period of time.
Baking soda absorbs moisture from the mattress and helps to remove mites. A vacuum cleaner can clean up some mites, dust, hair, etc.

3. Place the mattress in a sunny place to sterilize it using sunlight.
If you can move the mattress to a sunny place, drying and sterilizing it using sunlight is a good way to sterilize pillows or blankets with sunlight.

Mattresses are heavy and bulky, unlike pillows and duvets, which are relatively light and small in volume. And these days, many people prefer large bed mattresses, so it is often difficult to clean and maintain the mattress by yourself. So let’s find out together with Coway Mattress Care Service, which manages mattresses with professional equipment and sterilizers.

Bed and mattress management with Coway Mattress Care Service

1. Mattress care personnel visit your home with specialized equipment.

2. Remove the mattress from the bed frame and clean the front, back and sides with a mattress cleaner.

3. Spray mite remover and sterilize by shining a UV sterilization beam on the mattress.

If you use the Coway Mattress Care Service, the care manager will visually check the dust and mites inhaled by the vacuum cleaner on the bed after cleaning.

Beds and mattresses are places where we spend a long time in our lives, and they are especially important furniture for sleeping, so it seems important to keep them clean without passing them by. If it is possible to clean and maintain it by yourself, it is a good idea to use a mattress care service if it is difficult to clean and maintain it regularly with regular laundry, cleaning, and baking soda.
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