카무트 효능, 부작용, 파는 곳 가격비교 총정리 Summary of Kamut efficacy, side effects, and price comparison at stores

kamut efficacy
카무트 효능

Today, we will learn about the benefits of kamut, which contains 53 different nutrients, including protein, amino acids, minerals, and vitamins.

카무트 효능
kamut efficacy
It is a grain belonging to the rice family and wheat. Among wheat, it is also the brand name of Khorasan wheat, a primitive variety cultivated in ancient Egypt. Khorasan is the name of a region in northeast Iran, and as Khorasan wheat is widely known commercially under the brand name ‘Kamut’, the name ‘Khamut’ itself is also used to mean ‘Khorasan wheat’.


It was around the 1980s that kamut began to be cultivated in earnest. Previously, it was cultivated only on a small scale in Turkey and elsewhere, and was first introduced to the United States in the late 1940s. It has been commercially sold since the 1990s and has been attracting attention as one of the super grains in the US and Europe in the 2000s.


kamut efficacy
Kamut Benefits 1. Bone Health
Manganese is essential for building strong bones and is abundant in kamut. Manganese is a type of mineral that prevents bone loss and is known to be effective for the elderly and women with weak bones and prone to fractures. Manganese is also known to reduce fractures and loss of vertebrae due to osteoporosis.

Kamut Benefits 2. Improves Immune Function
Among the trace nutrients in kamut, zinc is particularly noteworthy. Zinc manages testosterone production in men and ensures proper functioning of the immune system. Consuming adequate amounts of zinc daily may also reduce the risk of infection. However, it is important to keep in mind that kamut, which has so many benefits, contains gluten.


kamut efficacy
So, like wheat, kamut is not suitable for people with gluten allergies or gluten intolerance. Like rice and quinoa, kamut can be eaten with most protein foods, and it goes well with vegetables, so when consumed in moderation like other whole grains, it will provide great health benefits.

Kamut Benefits 3. Weight Loss
Kamut contains high amounts of dietary fiber, which can reduce calorie intake while maintaining a feeling of fullness. These effects are very effective for weight loss. In addition, kamut is high in protein and low in saturated fat compared to other foods, so it is good for weight loss.




kamut efficacy
Kamut efficacy 4. Prevention of hair loss
The antioxidant action of selenium strengthens biological functions and helps in cell regeneration or supply of nutrients. It is also said to be good for preventing hair loss. In fact, studies have shown that people with hair loss have lower selenium levels than people with healthy hair.

Brown rice usually contains 5.8 micrograms of selenium per 100g, and garlic contains 14.2 micrograms of selenium, whereas kamut contains 81.5 micrograms of selenium, which is very rich.




kamut efficacy
Kamut efficacy 5. Diabetes improvement
It can help control blood sugar and improve diabetes. Kamut has a low glycemic index of 40 and is said to be good for weight loss. In general, wheat flour is 93 and whole wheat is 53, which is very low.

When the glycemic index approaches 100, insulin is rapidly secreted, making you feel hungry and easily turning into fat. If you have diabetes, eating kamut rice, which has a low glycemic index, will help you improve.




kamut efficacy
Kamut Benefits 6. Anti-aging
Kamut contains high amounts of selenium. Selenium is known for being a much stronger antioxidant than vitamin E. Antioxidants play an excellent role in eliminating free radicals that are harmful to our body, which are the cause of various diseases, and helping to keep our body healthier by preventing cell damage, and preventing the progression of aging.


In particular, it contains vitamin E, which is known to be an excellent ingredient for skin aging and wrinkle improvement, so it has excellent effects to maintain youthful and elastic skin.




kamut efficacy
Kamut efficacy 7. Improving blood circulation
LDL cholesterol, also called low-density, low-protein cholesterol, has an adverse effect on our body. By removing this cholesterol, blood vessels can be made cleaner, and various cardiovascular diseases such as arteriosclerosis and hyperlipidemia can be improved.

Kamut Benefits 8. Detoxification
Kamut contains a lot of phosphorus. Phosphorus plays a role in removing and expelling toxic substances accumulated in our body, and plays a huge role in kidney function by detoxifying.


kamut efficacy
If the waste products in our body are not smoothly discharged, not only various skin troubles, but also various symptoms such as abdominal distension, muscle pain, and chronic fatigue may occur. If you eat kamut on a regular basis, you can experience an excellent effect on detoxification of the body.

Kamut Benefits 9. Improves Digestion
Kamut is said to be a high-fiber food. Therefore, it is said to help improve the function of the digestive system. It is said to cleanse the stomach, increase nutrient absorption, and help fight bacteria and toxins.


kamut efficacy
Excreta change from liquid to solid as they pass through the colon, and at this time, fiber helps the feces to become solid and helps them move smoothly. So, fiber is good for the body to form stool because it collects everything that is left in the colon.

Therefore, the zinc in kamut can be of great help in regulating digestion. If zinc is deficient, it is said that chronic digestive disorders and diarrheal diseases can occur. And if you supplement zinc by taking kamut, you can prevent chronic digestive problems and help with diarrhea.


kamut efficacy
Kamut Benefits 10. Helps Development and Growth
Arginine and hiscytidine, which are contained in large amounts in kamut, can help children grow, so mixing a little with the rice they eat can help children grow.

Kamut Benefits 11. Brain Health
The manganese in Kamut supports cognitive health and helps build a good brain. Because manganese is released into the brain’s synaptic cleft and affects synaptic neurotransmission, manganese deficiency can predispose people to mental illness, mood swings, learning disabilities, and epilepsy.


kamut efficacy
Additionally, other studies have shown that manganese deficiency can increase susceptibility to epileptic function and appears to affect manganese homeostasis in the brain, possibly followed by changes in neural activity. It should be noted, however, that manganese can have toxic effects on the brain if consumed in excess.


kamut efficacy
Kamut Benefits 12. Cancer Prevention
The selenium component contained in large amounts in kamut is said to be effective in reducing the incidence of cancer. According to the results of clinical trials conducted by the American Medical Association, selenium intake reduced the risk of colorectal cancer, lung cancer, and prostate cancer by 36%.


kamut efficacy
How to Take Kamut
Kamut rice is made by adding regular rice and kamut in a 2:1 ratio and soaking it in water for more than 20 minutes. Press the Multigrain Cooking button, not the corresponding general cooking method using an electric rice cooker. You can also make an energy bar with kamut and other nuts.

Kamut Side Effects
If you eat too much kamut, side effects such as gastrointestinal problems and allergic reactions may occur when taking large amounts, and it has blood pressure lowering and anticoagulant effects. Additionally, the safety of kamut consumption during pregnancy and lactation has not been fully established, so it is recommended to consult a specialist in this case.


kamut efficacy

So far, we have learned about the efficacy of kamut. Kamut is a plant native to South America that has several health benefits. It will be helpful if you take it with rice for health.