카카오택시 고객센터 및 전화번호 Kakao Taxi customer center and phone number

Kakao Taxi can be commonly seen on the streets. It is certain that people will continue to use Kakao Taxi thanks to its convenience. However, no matter how good the service is, various problems sometimes arise during the process. In order to resolve inconveniences such as taxi call-related issues, dispatch issues, and double payments, people visit the Kakao Taxi customer center. The problem is that it is difficult to find at once even if you search.

카카오택시 고객센터

카카오택시 고객센터

To solve problems, we will inform you of the Kakao Taxi customer service phone number and method of calling that can be easily used when you are in a hurry.




Kakao Taxi Customer Center

Kakao Taxi is a service that can be used through the Kakao Mobility app. As we all know, Kakao is an Internet-based company and is optimized for mobile. Therefore, there is no customer center that can be visited offline, and the focus is on online services such as chatbots and 1:1 chat. Nevertheless, there are moments when you absolutely need to call customer service.


In that case, you can use your mobile phone to connect to a Kakao Taxi phone counselor. If Kakao Talk is installed along with the Kakao T app, you can connect directly by verifying your identity.



Connect to a customer center counselor

You can check the Kakao Taxi customer center phone number through the Kakao T app. This is a method of connecting to a counselor by wire using KakaoTalk Plus Friend. First, open the Kakao T app and select My Information > Customer Center menu at the bottom right to automatically launch KakaoTalk. Even if you don’t know the Kakao T Customer Center phone number, you can connect to a counselor here.


Please select the service you have used, such as regular Kakao Taxi or Kakao Blue Taxi Black, below and start making your inquiry.

















If you used Kakao Taxi, more detailed consultation is possible because no records are left. This can be said to be the biggest difference from using a regular taxi. It is a system that maintains records of when, where, and which taxi was used for a certain period of time. Therefore, it is easier to report complaints and much more convenient to find lost items.


Now let’s open the channel menu at the bottom.







There are a total of six menus, including Start Consultation, Frequently Asked Questions, Taxi Lost and Found, Customer Center, Kakao T, and Bot User Guide. You can connect to a customer service representative here.


There is definitely the convenience of using Plus Friend as you don’t have to look up the Kakao Taxi customer service phone number or dial the number yourself.


Connection to a counselor is also divided in more detail. In general, when we make a landline call to a customer center, you can think of it as the same way as dialing the desired service number. If you select the field you want and enter the desired keyword letters, you will immediately be connected to a counselor.









Kakao Taxi Emergency Report Center Phone Number

Run the app and scroll down to the bottom and click on Kakao Mobility Co., Ltd. As mentioned earlier, Kakao Taxi is a service under the company name Kakao Mobility, and you can check the business information.


Kakao Taxi Customer Center is operated by KakaoTalk Plus Friend. Chat consultation is provided as standard and you can connect to a counselor over the phone. Separately, there is an emergency reporting center that operates 24 hours a day, 365 days a year.



Kakao Mobility Kakao Taxi Emergency Report Center Phone Number

(Opens 24 hours a day, 365 days a year)


For general inquiries other than emergency reports or finding lost items, it is best to use the KakaoTalk Plus Friend Customer Center to connect with a counselor.









Even if you don’t have to make a phone inquiry, you can request a consultation through a chatbot by clicking ‘Start Consultation’ on KakaoTalk. You can receive answers to simple inquiries and ask detailed questions through chat, so this can be an advantageous way to use your busy time efficiently.


As the number of users of Kakao Taxi is increasing, there may be various inconveniences or inquiries. I hope the Kakao Taxi customer center phone number and how to use the chatbot will be helpful. Enjoy convenience in your life in the following article.