카카오톡 로그아웃 4 ways to log out of KakaoTalk (mobile app, PC)

카카오톡 로그아웃Why do I need to log out of KakaoTalk on my smartphone? There are two cases where logging out is necessary. The first is when you lose or break your smartphone and borrow a family member’s or friend’s cell phone to log in to KakaoTalk for a while. At this time, it is necessary because the owner of the cell phone must log out of the KakaoTalk they were using, and users who borrowed it for a while must also log out to log in to KakaoTalk with the original owner’s account after use. The second time is when you change your smartphone. If you change your smartphone, run the KakaoTalk app, and log in, you can continue using KakaoTalk on the new phone. However, on the phone you used before, a usage record remains and you can check the conversation history, so to protect your personal information, you can use KakaoTalk separately. It is recommended that you log out.

So why do I need to log out of the KakaoTalk program on my PC? The reason is that if my KakaoTalk account is automatically logged in when I boot the computer, someone other than me can see my KakaoTalk records. Usually, you use a public computer at work or home, but in this case, you have to log out after using it. In this case, there is a way to log out of KakaoTalk remotely using a smartphone, so you can use it as a reference. You can also check on your phone whether you are currently logged in and using the computer, so after checking, if it is not you, be sure to log out of KakaoTalk remotely.

1. Log out of the mobile KakaoTalk app
2. Log out of PC KakaoTalk
3. Remotely log out of PC KakaoTalk from your smartphone

There are two ways to log out of the smartphone KakaoTalk app. Please read it and use a more convenient method.

1. Launch the Settings app on your phone.

2. Click Applications.

3. Select KakaoTalk.

4. Click Storage.

5. Click Delete Data.

6. Click OK on the permanently delete data message.

What you should note here is that if you log out of the mobile app KakaoTalk, all chat room conversations, photos, and files of the existing logged in account will be deleted. So, before logging out, please use the KakaoTalk backup function to save important information.

7. Run the KakaoTalk app.
8. After logging out, you can see the login screen.

Now you can use the KakaoTalk account you want to use by entering your ID and password and logging in.

The second method is to delete the KakaoTalk app and then reinstall it. The principle of this method is the same as the first method, but it allows you to delete existing logged-in account information, so you can use it in any convenient way.

1. Press and hold the KakaoTalk app.

2. Click Uninstall.
3. Search for the KakaoTalk app in the Play Store and download it.
4. When you run the app, you can see the login screen.

This will also delete existing account information, so we recommend that you back up any important chat room text, photos, videos, and files in advance.

Next, let’s learn how to log out of the PC KakaoTalk program. Below is a method to log out, assuming you are currently using a PC.

1. Run the PC KakaoTalk program.
2. Press the gear-shaped button at the bottom left.
3. Click Logout.

So, if I am currently unable to use my PC, how can I log out of KakaoTalk? In this case, you can remotely log out of PC KakaoTalk from your smartphone KakaoTalk app, so please know the method below.

1. Run the KakaoTalk app on your smartphone.
2. Tap the More button (looks like three dots).
3. Click the gear button in the top right.

4. Tap Privacy/Security.

5. Click Manage device connections.

6. Click Logout on the right side of the logged in device.

Logged in devices shows all devices currently logged in to KakaoTalk, excluding the KakaoTalk app on your smartphone. You can log everyone out remotely here.

7. Press OK in the message logging out of the device while connected.

8. PC KakaoTalk logs out.

In the PC KakaoTalk program, “You have been logged out. You have remotely logged out in the mobile KakaoTalk program.” A message notification will appear.

So far today, we have learned four ways to log out of KakaoTalk. We have included all possible methods depending on the current situation, so please feel free to use them.

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