카카오톡 제비뽑기 Use KakaoTalk lottery game

Today, we are going to learn about the use of the KakaoTalk lottery game. 카카오톡 제비뽑기

카카오톡 제비뽑기

One of the things that can be really useful in the KakaoTalk chat room is the KakaoTalk lottery game.


These days, when I meet up with friends, it’s usually a Dutch pay atmosphere. 1분전


However, it would be fun to buy a cup of coffee through the KakaoTalk lottery game for fun at least a cheap cup of coffee.


Kakao Talk content to bet Americano with a friend

Then, let’s find out how to play the KakaoTalk lottery game in the KakaoTalk window.


KakaoTalk lottery game method

The KakaoTalk lottery game consists of a knockout draw and a ranking draw.


Let’s find out one by one.


how to slam

1. Click # in the KakaoTalk chat window with your friend.


Shop button clicked

2. Then, # appears on the left side of the chat input window.


Type lottery next to #.


On the right side of the shop, type lottery

3. There is a KakaoTalk lottery game where my friend and I are invited.


A photo of my friend and I participating in a raffle game

4. There are draw draws and ranking draws.


KakaoTalk content that Kwang wants to buy by drawing lots with a friend

5. Click the yellow button below in the Clam Draw.


Then, KakaoTalk lottery game is executed.


Send clicked

6. A message appears in the chat room saying check my results.


Friends see the same message.


KakaoTalk message saying check my results

7. Click the message to check the KakaoTalk lottery result.


Click to check result

8. When I checked the KakaoTalk lottery results, I was a loser.


i will buy coffee


The result of the lottery was confirmed as a joke

9. Then, what screen will your friend see?


The friend sees the image of passing as in the picture below.


Friend Checked as Passed

My friend won the KakaoTalk lottery game.


KakaoTalk content saying “I will buy coffee and my friend will eat well”

So far, we have looked at how to draw a clang during KakaoTalk lottery.




Now, let’s find out how to draw KakaoTalk rankings.


Ranking method

This time, I’m going to do a KakaoTalk lottery so that I can buy coffee sequentially in a fair way.


KakaoTalk content to buy coffee by drawing lots

You have to do a ranking draw to determine the order.


1. As you learned above, move from the chat window to the KakaoTalk lottery game screen.


And click the yellow button at the bottom of the ranking draw to run the KakaoTalk lottery ranking draw.


My friend and I participated in the ranking draw and clicked the button below

2. Then, you will see a message saying check my result in the chat window.


Click to check the KakaoTalk lottery results.


KakaoTalk message saying check my results

3. After checking the results, I came in first, so I bought coffee first.


Result is 1st place

4. How will it look on the screen of a friend’s chat window?


My friend came second and bought it later.


Friend result is 2nd place

In this way, if you use the ranking draw among the KakaoTalk lottery draws, you can proceed quickly and fairly to determine the order.


I say I live this time and my friend says yes next time I’m Sama

Points to note

You must have a history of chatting with friends in the KakaoTalk chat room.


Only then will a KakaoTalk lottery game in which you and your friends are invited will be created.


What if you try to make a KakaoTalk lottery without even a single word of chat history?


As shown in the picture below, you can see a KakaoTalk lottery sample game.


A lottery sample game is shown

So far, we have looked at how to make a KakaoTalk lottery in the chat window.