칼로커트 가격 및 후기,효과,부작용 총정리 Comprehensive summary of Calocut prices, reviews, effects, and side effects

You can think of Calocut as a ‘health functional food’ that does not need to be purchased at a pharmacy or a doctor’s prescription. These are the products that I always organize in my posts! It is a type of diet supplement.칼로커트 가격

칼로커트 가격

It seems to be being promoted through Kim Nam-joo’s diet advertisement recently. It is a product that has been sold as a health food to help lose weight for quite some time.


I once wrote a review about taking it through an acquaintance. This time, I will comprehensively summarize Calocut’s price, ingredients, effects, and reviews.

<Not an advertisement / Personal review>




What is Calocut?

Unlike regular foods that cannot display efficacy or advertise, ‘health functional foods’ are products that can display efficacy and advertise.

It contains ‘catechin’ and ‘aloe whole leaf’, ingredients recognized as functional by the Ministry of Food and Drug Safety.

It can help reduce body fat.

It can help with smooth bowel movements.

When combined with exercise and diet, it can provide a diet synergy effect.

You can think of it as having this level of efficacy, but it is not a ‘medicine’ that will make you lose weight just by taking this. You can think of it as ‘health food’.





It contains antioxidants, so it improves blood cholesterol levels, improves bowel movements, and is a combination of ingredients that can help reduce body fat. However, if you do not diet and exercise, you will not lose weight.


Helping you not get fatter? I guess I can at least maintain it.

It’s been a while since I tried this supplement. Before COVID-19, when I had appointments with friends every weekend, a friend who was interested in dieting started purchasing various diet supplements, so I learned about this product and tried taking it together.

When we all met together, we would get delicious food from a friend before eating it. I remember experiencing that the next day, my bowel movements were really different and the weight of the food I ate the previous day was less than I expected! It was really amazing back then.




At the time, I had no idea about the concept of diet supplements, so this was my first time using a diet supplement since I took it like a nutritional supplement, so I really liked the part about being able to go to the bathroom easily.

At the time, I was 160cm tall and weighed 45kg. When I saw an acquaintance who was working really hard at the gym, he didn’t eat this every day. He ate out once and ate high-calorie food all day long, including dessert and drinking! This is a review of how I found it useful in those times and shared it with my friends.



After eating like this, I was able to go to the bathroom easily the next day (it helped me have a smooth bowel movement, not because I was hungry or tired), but it definitely helped in that regard, but it didn’t act as a diet booster. It is not for losing weight or anything.

And these days, there are many products on the market that contain catechin and aloe leaves. These are the ingredients that are said to help smooth bowel movements. It definitely makes going to the bathroom easier. Most of the reviews from my acquaintances at the time were that they were able to go to the bathroom easily.

Like Chong Kun Dang All Cut Diet, Calocut still has to be purchased by inquiring over the phone. It would be better if the ingredients, content, and characteristics were disclosed in detail before being sold. It’s kind of secret haha. They didn’t reveal it at all.


Still, if you want to try it, enter your personal information on the official website and you will receive a phone consultation.



What is the price of Calocut?


I remember a few years ago, a month’s cost was around 300,000 won. 3 months is a million won? It was a long time ago, so the price range is probably higher now. I think the discount rate was different depending on the monthly purchase. Even these days, they don’t disclose the price, so even if you go all over the community, there really isn’t anything,, haha.

It was a time when there weren’t many diet supplements, and my bowel movements were unusual, so I felt good about not gaining weight even if I ate a lot. If you use it in moderation, can it be useful while dieting?

But supplements are just supplements! Diet + exercise This is always the basic and truth.