쿠쿠 서비스센터 및 전화번호 Cuckoo Service Center and Phone Number

When you think of Cuckoo, an electric rice cooker comes to mind. However, recently, the company has been producing a variety of other household appliances. In addition, we also provide rental services. This time, I would like to introduce the directions and contact information to the Daejeon Cuckoo Service Center. In the case of Daejeon Cuckoo Service Center, there are a total of 4 locations.

쿠쿠 서비스센터

쿠쿠 서비스센터

Daejeon Cuckoo Service Center

Representative customer center phone number information
Daejeon Cuckoo Service Center List
View Daejeon Service Center

Representative customer center phone number information

If you need to consult or ask a question first, you can check with Ramen’s representative customer service center. Please note that the phone numbers for general service inquiries and rental inquiries are different. It is convenient to refer to the ARS number below when automatically connected.

Service inquiry 1588-8899
Rental inquiry 1577-0010
Cuckoo Mall 080-720-9999
Weekdays: 09:00 – 18:00 / Saturday: 09:00 – 13:00 (Sundays, public holidays: closed)
Daejeon Cuckoo Service Center

Cuckoo Customer Center


Daejeon Cuckoo Service Center List
As of now, there are a total of 4 Cuckoo service centers in Daejeon. Two of them are directly managed, the Dunsan branch and the Yuseong branch. You can also check the phone number and address of the center.

Daejeon Cuckoo Service Center
View Daejeon Service Center

If you use the shortcut link below, you can most accurately check the center located in Daejeon. You can also check it on a map as shown below, so if you want to visit, it is best to check it on the map before visiting.

Daejeon Cuckoo Service Center

View Daejeon Service Center


Today, we have provided you with the location and contact information of the Daejeon Cuckoo Service Center. We will also provide official customer service contact information, so if you need consultation, it would be a good idea to contact the customer service center first.