쿠팡 고객센터 및 전화번호 Coupang customer service center and phone number

We will provide you with the Coupang Customer Center phone number and how to use the online customer center.

쿠팡 고객센터

쿠팡 고객센터

At Coupang, you can answer all your questions in various fields, including delivery inquiries, returns/exchanges/refunds, regular delivery, order payment, Coupang Cash, and member services.

There are several ways to solve it.

There are 1:1 chat inquiries, search through frequently asked questions, and landline calls.



The first thing to tell you is

Search through 1:1 chat inquiries and frequently asked questions.


If you click the link above, you will see the customer center on the Coupang online website as shown below.

You can make a 1:1 chat inquiry here or find what you are curious about in the frequently asked questions.




In the case of online customer centers, it is really difficult to receive answers in real time.

Wouldn’t it be nice to have a landline call answered in real time?

The Coupang customer service phone number is as follows.




Coupang Customer Center Phone Number

1577 – 7011



It is said to be open 24 hours a day, 365 days a year.

This is the phone number as of August 30, 2020.

Please note that the customer service phone number rarely changes.

If you ask an agent directly over the phone, you will receive a faster response.

(However, because there is a limit to the number of recipients on the phone, the waiting time may be long.

If it is not urgent, 1:1 inquiry is also okay.)


This is the Coupang customer service phone number.