파이코인 상장 가능성 [※Beware of scams※] Beware of scams related to PiCoin listed on exchanges.

파이코인 상장 가능성HOONAK’s Crypto

Coin, virtual currency, exchange, blockchain consultation

Recently, news of Pi coin listing was heard on several cryptocurrency exchanges such as Huobi exchange. However, due to this listing, Pi Coin holders or people who are unfamiliar with the coin are more likely to be scammed. So, I am writing this article out of concern. To conclude, you should never buy PiCoin listed on an exchange. (either on an exchange or in person)

Currently, PI coins are listed on several overseas exchanges such as Huobi and Bitmart, and transactions are proceeding normally. Even the symbol of the pi coin is the same, so it seems like we can sell the PI coins mined with our cell phones on overseas exchanges.

However, that is impossible.

The Pi Network team, which currently operates PiCoin, officially announced on Twitter that “PI is not listed on any exchanges and has not been involved in any listings.”
Pi Network
Pi is a new digital currency being developed by a group of Stanford PhDs. For a limited time, you can join the beta to earn Pi and help grow the network.
Currently, Pi Network recommends to all pioneers and potential Pi users not to engage with these exchanges or third-party actors as they are not affiliated with Pi Network and may cause significant loss or damage to Pi users. do.

Pi Network is also requesting the removal of these posts and exchange listings and is evaluating further actions with respect to third parties and exchanges. In the meantime, it is important to reiterate that trading of Pi through exchanges is explicitly prohibited during the Enclosed Mainnet period and that doing so is a violation of Pi’s policy.

The Pi Network advised users not to trade Pi Coins listed on exchanges as it is a policy violation and could cause significant damage.

On the 29th, Huobi listed Pi Coin. This was a listing that had not even been discussed with the Pi Network team before the mainnet had even been launched yet.

Currently listed PI coins cannot be deposited or withdrawn. PI coins can only be traded within the exchange. Why was this listing carried out without consultation with Pi Network?

Due to various issues (Luna, FTX, economic recession, etc.), all coins, including Bitcoin, are currently experiencing a coin decline, returning to 2020 prices. As this downturn intensified, trading volume within the exchange also rapidly decreased.

In this situation, it seems that a coin that could facilitate transactions was needed. Among them, PiCoin, which is popular among people but is currently only used for bartering, must have caught the eye, and it appears to have been listed without consulting with Pi Network even before the mainnet was launched.

In fact, as Huobi intended, PI ranked second in coin trading volume on the Huobi exchange regardless of the price drop, and Huobi is happily collecting the resulting fees.
Source: https://coinmarketcap.com/ko/currencies/pinetwork/

The price of PI coins is also specified on CoinMarketCap, where you can check the current prices of coins, so there are likely to be many cases where you mistake this for the Picoin you are currently mining.

So, what kind of scams could there be?

Currently, PiCoin allows transactions between users within the PiCoin app as long as KYC is verified. If so, there could be a scam like this.
Scammer: Look at this, it is traded for 210,000 won on the exchange. I’m in a hurry and don’t know how to transfer it to an exchange, so if you give me cash for 150,000 won per Picoin, I’ll sell them all.

Scammer: Look at the price. It’s 210,000 won per piece. Shouldn’t you at least give me something worth it?

Scammer: If you put money into your account, I will give you a PiCoin (a coin with the same name but no value or a PiCoin mined for free)

It could be something like this.
This listing is a bit different from other coin listings, so I am worried that many coin beginners will fall for fraud. For now, let’s just do PiCoin mining. Regardless of whether PiCoin is a scam or not, mining it doesn’t cost money…
A person who dreams of a happy life in his head every day
I hope that someone reads my writing and gets through this difficult situation well.

파이코인 상장 가능성
