페덱스 배송조회 및 고객센터 알아보기 Learn about FedEx delivery tracking and customer service

Fedex is an American express delivery company.

페덱스 배송조회

It is also the world’s largest air cargo transportation company. In Korea

It is the second most frequently used international delivery service after the post office.

페덱스 배송조회


As the number of overseas direct buyers increases, FedEx is also receiving a lot of love in Korea.


This was my first time purchasing directly and I found it very convenient.

So, I would like to introduce it to you as well.

Go to FedEx

FedEx delivery tracking | Method | We will inform you about the fare.
How do I track delivery?

The first thing you need to do is log in. When you sign up and log in, your information page will appear as shown in the picture above. You can check your order details and delivery status by clicking ‘Order and Delivery’ in the upper left menu. If you look at the bottom right, you can see detailed information such as your current location and expected arrival time.

FedEx delivery tracking | Method | We will inform you about the fare.
I canceled my payment, when will I get a refund?
Have you ever had the experience of canceling a payment at an overseas shopping mall but not receiving the money or receiving it late? In this case, don’t panic and contact customer service! There is an email address at the top right of the homepage, so you can send an email there. Don’t worry, Korean language support is available, so even those who are struggling with English can use it comfortably. However, please note that the response may be a little slow.


I’m still a beginner, so there are a lot of things I don’t know, but I hope this article will be helpful to those who read it.

Have fun shopping everyone~


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