페이코 포인트 현금화 PAYCO Payco points refund method and fee ::::Job Blog:::

페이코 포인트 현금화-. Only charged points can be refunded, and event-related points and reward points are non-refundable. -. A refund fee of KRW 500 is charged for points charged with gifts, remittances, and PAYCO gift certificates, and -. Points charged to a bank account, book culture gift certificates, Happy Money gift certificates, and Payco points charged through mobile T-money can be refunded without a fee.-. Only cash points can be refunded.

Originally, the money was deposited within 18:00 of the next business day after requesting a refund, but from February 10, 2022, it has been changed to deposit immediately after requesting a refund. The refund method is as follows.

Go to Payco app-“Payment”, select a Payco point card as above, and then touch the “Refund to account” button at the bottom right.

Touch “Register refund account”.

After registering a refund account, touch “Change” at the bottom right.

Touch “Request Refund”.

After checking the contents, touch “Request refund” at the bottom.

Check the details, such as the fee, and then click “Get Refund”.

Enter your payment password

The refund is complete. I tried it after February 10th, so it was immediately deposited into my bank account.*. Depending on the situation of NHN Payco and the banking system, the deposit may be delayed by one day.

페이코 포인트 현금화
