피 꿈해몽 Dream Interpretation About Blood

피 꿈해몽You will receive material and mental support from that person.
ㆍDream of Buddha shedding blood
You will meet the teacher or leader you have been waiting for and receive guidance.
ㆍDream of teeth being injured and bleeding
Unfortunate events may occur in the family, or obstacles and handicaps may occur.
ㆍDream of bleeding where a tooth falls out
You may get into a car accident or your business may fail.
ㆍDream of blood and pus coming from the body
It is a sign that the family will become wealthy and gain wealth and power.
ㆍDream of injured leg and bleeding
The business develops and money comes in. You will enjoy the reward of stability and success.
ㆍA dream in which blood accumulates in the stomach and the stomach gradually becomes full.
It is a good dream that will lead to great wealth.

ㆍDream of wounds on the soles of the feet and bleeding
You may be betrayed by a subordinate or suffer mental or material loss.
ㆍDream where the genitals are injured or cut and bleeding
You may encounter arguments or disputes that you could not have imagined and suffer losses related to your job.
ㆍDream of hurt nails and bleeding
There may be misfortune or worry at home, or you may suffer damage due to an accident.
ㆍDream of stabbing another person with a knife and getting that person’s blood on yourself
You will receive the joy of helping the person who stabbed you and gaining wealth.
ㆍDream of someone bleeding and dying
This is an auspicious dream in which you will demonstrate your abilities by managing large assets.
ㆍDream of indifference after seeing someone bleeding
Your work will be completed satisfactorily and you will gain wealth.
ㆍDream where you don’t feel anything even after seeing blood
You will gain great wealth.

ㆍDream of seeing animal blood
You will achieve what you desperately want, gain wealth, and impress people.
ㆍDream of a lot of menstrual blood pouring out
You will achieve what you desperately wish for and continue to live a happy life.
ㆍDream of seeing menstrual blood on it
It is a good dream that signals that you will meet new people and have a steady flow of work.
ㆍDream of wiping a blood-stained body or washing blood-stained clothes
It is a sign that you will live in poverty due to loss of property.
ㆍDream of hiding blood-stained clothes
You become ashamed of your mistakes and try to hide them.
ㆍDream of blood on someone’s clothes
It is a sign of great danger to that person.
ㆍA dream where your face is bleeding from the nose so much that it becomes stained.
You may disclose your property to others or suffer damage.
ㆍDream of running away after seeing blood
You miss out on opportunities to make money.
ㆍDream of vomiting blood
Something bad may happen in the house and property damage may occur.
ㆍDream with blood on the blanket
It is a sign that something bad will happen to your spouse.
ㆍDream where the tooth is shaken and pulled out, but there is no bleeding and no trace.
It means that vitality has disappeared in your body or business.
ㆍDream of injured ear and bleeding
It is a dream about being betrayed by someone you trusted.
ㆍDream of being stabbed in the thigh by a gunman and bleeding
You will gain both wealth and fame.

ㆍDream of yourself being stabbed with a knife and bleeding
Healthy and full of wealth. You will benefit greatly.
ㆍDream of falling down covered in blood after an accident
You will gain fame and wealth together.
ㆍDangerous dream because too much blood was shed
You may suffer a large financial loss, your wealth may be lost, and your business may become difficult.
ㆍA dream where you cut someone’s throat with a knife and there is no blood
You try to succeed in your job or business, but no results appear.
ㆍDream of blood flowing from the horn of an ox
If you are unemployed, you will get a job at a good company, and if you are an office worker, you will be assigned to a good department or promoted.
ㆍDream of carefully treating a bleeding tiger
With the help of noble people, your business will prosper and your family will rise.
ㆍDream of seeing someone’s tooth fall out and bleeding
You will benefit greatly by eliminating people who are in your way.
ㆍDream of blood flowing from hands
You will make a lot of money by doing things with your hands, such as creating works of art, developing products, or inventing.
ㆍDream of big toe being bitten by an eel and bleeding
There is an unexpected windfall that brings wealth and money.

ㆍDream of bleeding on the thumb
Parents will have an auspicious event and gain honor.
ㆍDream where the whole body is stained with blood
If you succeed in life, you will be respected by many people, your status will rise, and you will gain a lot of wealth.
ㆍDream of cutting a turtle’s neck and seeing blood flowing
You can achieve your dreams by receiving help from a large organization, or you can achieve success in business and acquire a lot of wealth.
ㆍDream of killing a small insect and the blood flowing from the insect like a stream
A small project you are working on will turn out well and you will end up making a lot of money.
ㆍDream of blood flowing from a knife when it is drawn
You will get to eat delicious seafood and go to a banquet.
ㆍDream of drinking blood
Bring wealth into the house or make spiritual wealth completely your own.
ㆍDream of a soldier being wounded and bleeding on the battlefield
You can make a lot of money through business and become rich. There is luck in wealth.

© Kakao Corp.

피 꿈해몽
