한전 고객센터 전화번호 KEPCO Customer Center phone number, operating hours, and electricity bill inquiry method

한전 고객센터 전화번호The KEPCO Customer Center phone number is ☎123 without area code. You can call this number if you have any electricity-related inquiries, such as reporting an electrical breakdown, inquiring about electricity bills, providing payment method information, or issuing fax statements/tax invoices. KEPCO Customer Center business hours are open 24 hours a day, 365 days a year.

You can move to the desired task more quickly by calling the KEPCO Customer Center phone number ☎123 without an area code and pressing the ARS speed dial number below.

no. 1. Electrical breakdown report

No.2. Fee inquiry and payment
1. Inquiry on billing fee (No. 2 > No. 1)
2. Reissue of invoice (No. 2 > No. 2)
3. Credit card payment (No. 2 > No. 3)
4. Dedicated account information (No. 2 > No. 4)

number 3. Issuance of tax invoices and various statements by fax
1. Send tax invoice by fax (No. 3 > No. 1)
2. Send billing fee details by fax (No. 3 > No. 2)
3. Send electricity bill payment confirmation by fax (No. 3 > No. 3)
4. Send electricity bill by fax (No. 3 > No. 4)

Number 0. Connect to an agent

Number 7. Foreigner consultation (English speaker)
KEPCO ARS number

If you wish to contact KEPCO’s customer center through a method other than phone consultation, you must use the Voice of Customers page on the KEPCO website or inquire via email. You can receive comprehensive consultation on all aspects of KEPCO’s business, including electricity consultation, through the customer consultation section on the KEPCO website. If you would like to inquire and receive a response via KEPCO email, please refer to the KEPCO email address below and send your inquiry.

※ KEPCO Customer Center representative email address

Those who wish to visit KEPCO’s headquarters to make inquiries can do so more quickly and conveniently by making a reservation in advance. When writing a reservation request for on-site consultation, enter the available consultation time and consultation details, and the person in charge will confirm the visit schedule in advance and respond. KEPCO’s inquiry hours are from 9:00 AM to 6:00 PM on weekdays, and lunch hours are from 12:00 PM to 1:00 PM.

If you want to know the address and phone number of the KEPCO office name or jurisdiction where you live, search for the region on the KEPCO website below, or search the address or business name to find the KEPCO office address, phone number, jurisdiction, etc. You can find out. After searching, click on the business name to see detailed information, including phone number, address, organizational status, and jurisdiction information.

You can check KEPCO electricity rates through the KEPCO cyber branch website. KEPCO electricity bill inquiry is divided into simple inquiry and detailed inquiry. To enhance personal information protection, the simple inquiry and detailed inquiry services have an identity verification process, and you must know your customer number to inquire your electricity bill without logging in to the KEPCO cyber branch website.

If you do not know your customer number, you can look up your customer number by registering as a member on the KEPCO cyber branch website and verifying the mobile phone number in your name or the mobile phone number registered in the limited information. Additionally, if you sign up for membership on the KEPCO Cyber ​​Branch website, you can view electricity bills in detail by month and year for the past two years.

1. Access KEPCO Cyber ​​Branch website
To check KEPCO electricity rates, access the KEPCO cyber branch website.

2. Inquiry/Payment > Simple inquiry
On the Cyber ​​Branch homepage, hover your mouse over the inquiry/payment menu at the top and select the simple inquiry menu from the fee inquiry at the bottom.

3. Rate inquiry
You can search KEPCO electricity rates by entering your KEPCO customer number, selecting the year and month you want to inquire about electricity rates, and then selecting the inquiry menu at the bottom.





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